• Mexico condemned the invasion *** As for the others: it's because their dependence on Russia is more important politically and economically, to both their politicians and to their people, than is their "moral outrage" that a nation thousands of miles away has been invaded by Russia. In other words: they aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! I just noticed the link you added is from 4 days ago on this day of 4/14/2022. The last time I heard Mexico refused to condemn Russia was a few days ago: There's been a change that I wasn't aware of when I asked this question.
  • Maybe they never heard of the never-ending feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys. This is exactly what the post-Cold War relationship between Russia and the US seems to have evolved into according to those who want to keep it alive. Someone should educate Russia - apparently, they don't know.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing!
  • For those answering: an update has been added.
  • Yes, I heard about Mexico condemning Russia

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