• Yes. I am the one dating him, not them.
  • Yes and I have (not currently though) dated someone of a different race. Though where I am, no one disapproves because of that thankfully.
  • Yes, I would. No one would be able to keep me offa Benjamin Bratt! OH! and Daniel Sunjata from Rescue Me .. ..hubba hubba
  • Personally, I don't use the term race, as that implies to me that the person is of a race different to human. And since I tend to only want to date humans (so far, at least!), that pretty much answers that. But, in answer to your question, yes I would date someone of a different ethnic group to myself. Or, perhaps I should say, I wouldn't be put off just because they were, for example, black. However I would be put off if they were, for example, a black man. As to whether my friends/family approve - yes, it would be important to me that they accept my partner, but at the end of the day, as long as I accept my partner, that's the most important thing.
  • Yes I would, My family would not voice their disapproval and are certainly too well mannered to show any even if they felt it , which I am sure they would not. It would be my choice not my families that is a fact they would recognise and respect.
  • Absolutely. After all no one can help who they fall in love with and they certainately shouldn't have to!
  • If I hadn't been married for so long I would date women from any ethnic background. *Edit* My family wouldn't disapprove, We all share the opinion that everybody deserves happiness.
  • Yes I Believe Everybody should Be given a Chance...
  • thats a tough decesion
  • I gotta do what makes ME happy, not them. If they disown you for it, then its thier loss.
  • Yes, I probably would. I'm getting sick in tired to dealing with families. I'd probably move away from the families if they had a problem with it.
  • If my friends disapproved I would change friends quite quickly . I have no need for that sort of nonsense in my life. My family would approve and have approved for I have seriously dated outside my race many times.
  • I have dating outside my "race" and yes. Some family members did disapprove but it's my life; not theirs and I have to live it the best way for me. Those who called themselves "friends" weren't friends really at all. My true friends had no problems with my interracial dates. Ironically almost all of my dates and lovers have been of my own "race". But I like to think that there's only one race; the Human Race with a lot of interesting outward variations but we're still all People!
  • I probably would, maybe the oppesers would change.
  • Yes ! Nobody has the right to tell you whom you can like or love.
  • Yes. This person might be my soul mate, and I would hope that my family would eventually realize that they make me happy. I always want the people I love to be happy.
  • Absolutely. I would hear their objections objectively; but as usual in all things would go my own way. It's my decision, not theirs. Friends and family are welcome to give advice and to have opinions--but it up to me to make a choice. That choice would be to date anyone who interested me.
  • I went out with a black girl for over 2 years and my parents were dead against it but I dont think that was due to her race, more due to her! But I would date someone of a diffrent race regardless of my parents opinion.
  • Yes maybe ESPECIALLY if they disapprove hehehe.
  • Yes. First of all, I am the one dating this person not my friends and family. I don't see how we are evvvver going to get around prejudice if we stick to our own races as far as personal relationships go. There is no better way to truly get to know a person that is different than you are...and you might find that you are quite the same after all.
  • Family comes first but my family wouldn't disapprove.
  • This article may help you to deal with disapproving friends and family. "As a child you were probably told that it is important to stand up for what you believe in, however, this idea can often be thrown right out the window when it comes to a family objecting to your interracial relationship. You, however, need to evaluate why your family is objecting to your relationship, and if it is based solely on race, you need to take a stand." Continue reading here:
  • I have; they don't. (don't disapprove that is)
  • It is not my friends or family dating them so I would date whoever I pleased, if they didnt like it, then they would have to get use to it sharpish. I have no time for ignorance!
  • Yes, and I have. I'm more concerned that the relationship is healthy, no one is being used or abused and no one is being taken advantage of.
  • I'd date anyone I fell in love with, regardless of how my family felt about it. It's my choice...f*** 'em if they can't deal with it.
  • I could care less what race someone is. In fact, I am dating a guy that is Iraqi/Turkish right now and if you have a problem with it, that's your problem. Not mine. :]
  • Yes. My parents had a mixed marriage (Asian and white) so it wouldn't matter to me.
  • Been there, done that...your true friends and the family members that love you will get over it if they see you are happy.
  • Yes I would, because my family doesn't have a issue with it. But if they did, I would date interracially regardless.
  • Yes, I've dated hispanics & asians. Back when I was allowed to date, I was more interested in the woman & who she was as a person than her skin color.
  • sorry, its against my religion. i dont have anything wrong with other races its just a bad thing in my religion and plus its a major turn off.
  • Always have :-) Im caucasion (well actually half) and Ive only dated hispanics
  • Sure why not. As long as I found them attractive.
  • of course! variety is the spice of life..till i find the love of my life, every "race" or ethnicity is fair game=)
  • well ya as long as i found them attractive!
  • Yep, as long as I was physically attracted to them.
  • Of course. As long as they're someone I enjoy spending time with.
  • I actually married one. I am white. She is hispanic. We have a beautiful daughter. I am very blessed!!!!
  • prob not, depends on the person, if i liked them enough, most people i know are so much mixed, and are talking skin colour or... german to irish to polish to asian to hispanics to russians, what exactly do you mean by race... besides i think i would only date americans, lol, if you live in america, you are nothing but american unless you were born in another country so there =P
  • I don't have anything against other races, but I have only found a few people of other races attractive. If I am attracted to the person than I definitely would, but I haven't yet.
  • I married one: Australian - Tongan When I was a kid, my favourite girlfriend was Greek.
  • I don't see why not.=)
  • Most assuredly. I found out that looks (skin coloring and/or race) don't matter, when I dated a TOTALLY BLIND girl, while I was going to college. She had been blind from birth, so had no concept about visual terms like "ugly" and "pretty."
  • I married an Irish/German man and I am an American Indian/ first husband was full blooded Inca Indian....I have 5 beautiful children with both marriages and 9 absolutely beautiful gandbabies.....GOD is so good and so creative in giving us all these different races and colors of people from which to find a mate and multiply!!!!!

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