• 7-19-2017 Lots of specially trained smart people have looked hard for evidence of a world wide flood. They found two. Neither of them was Noah's flood of 2349 BC. Nevertheless, people all over the world recorded a flood that year and they all agreed on all the details. You might be surprised to learn what actually happened. This is long, but it's all there: If you don't care to read the whole book, here is the section about Noah:
    • Linda Joy
      Thank you I have difficulty picking up links off of these answerbag pages. On my phone, but hopefully I'll get a computer soon!
    • Jewels Vern
      FWIW That link is an ebook with 39 chapters! And still in progress!
    • Linda Joy
      What's FWIW?
    • Jewels Vern
      "For What It's Worth"
    • Linda Joy
      Oh, thank you
    • BJA
      The structure was enormous—about 437 feet (133 m) long, 73 feet (22 m) wide, and 44 feet (13 m) tall • Trees had to be cut, hewn, and lifted into place • Both the inside and outside of the massive structure had to be covered with tar • A one year’s supply of food had to be stockpiled for Noah’s family and the animals • The project likely took 40 to 50 years to complete It was far larger than the largest seagoing wooden ships built even in modern times. The ark that Noah built was gigantic longer than a football field and as high as a three-story building. It was more than 100 feet longer than the schooner Wyoming, which was reportedly the largest wooden-hulled ship ever built.
  • According to Genesis 6:14-16 describes it to be 300 cubits long, 50 wide, and 30 cubits high. a cubit is the length of a grown man's arm from finger tips to elbow or about 18 inches. This makes the ark about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.
    • Anoname
      Sounds right.
    • Linda Joy
      I don't even remember I'll have to go back and look it up. I don't get dimensions in my head they have to be written down on paper
    • Anoname
      Is THAT what you tell yourself ?
    • beaker95
    • Linda Joy
      It's not the size of the vector but how you apply the force?
    • beaker95
    • Jewels Vern
      Do you know the name of Jonah's wife? ... Joan of Ark.
  • Enough. It was big enough.
    • Linda Joy
      It definitely was, smiling!
    • Anoname
      I wasn't even flirting that time, but good point!
  • The measurements are in the Bible... (Genesis 6:14, 15) Make for yourself an ark from resinous wood. You will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside. 15 This is how you will make it: The ark should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. Cubit. A linear measure roughly the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. The Israelites commonly used a cubit of about 44.5
    • pugwashjw65
      Posting this...
  • probably pretty big if they had to fit all those animals in there
  • Just remember , it contained 'kinds' and not 'species'
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah, because the term 'species' hadn't been created yet. "The term was coined by John Ray in his 1686 work titled "History of plants”."
    • mugwort
      Impressed by your knowledge
  • Big enoujgh to fit Noah , his wife, his three sons and their wives. Plus all the animals that were in it.
  • All I know is that it must have been huge , there are some very large animals that were put on there for preservation .

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