• Look for common letter patterns like ch, ck, et, ph, etc. Those are usually the parts of a word that aren't pronouned as they look. Let's take an example word: gallimaufry. The first part is probably like either "gal" or "gaul". Next is either "ih" or "uh". Next comes the hard part: "mau" is pronounced like "Mao" or like "Maw", I'd bet. Finally, "fry" is either like "fry" or "free". Gal-ih-maw-free sounds best to me. Now, say the word four times, each with an accent on a differeny part of the word. The third one clearly sounds the best. Looking on, it appears we were mostly right; it is actually pronounced gal-uh-MAW-free, not gal-ih-MAW-free. Whooops!
  • A dictionary provides a pronunciation key and breakdown of every word. That's the easiest way to learn new words. Studying language and learning root words is also very helpful. When you learn the greek and Latin roots, many words can be worked out.
  • Most words, in the English language, can be correctly pronounced, by putting the accent on the second syllable. Example: the word explain......... accent "ex" and the word is unbalanced accent "plain" and the word properly flows Try it.

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