• That depends on the situation. Most decisions I make with a detached attitude; but in some, I am completely emotionally tied into them. It's not always the best way to make a decision; but, it still happens that way. I can't take my emotions out of things like relationships or my child. I just can't do it.
  • In Hindu Upanishad terminology, detached attitude is Tamo Guna, and emotional involvement is Rajo Guna. There is peaceful method called Satwa Guna which is better than the previous two. It is active concern without violence under any circumstances. Mahatma Gandhi demonstrated the power of non-violence for freedom struggle of India. It has shaken the roots of the great British Empire.
  • I think detachment is probably preferable, if it is accompanied by loving-kindness and compassion. But there are many situations where it seems neigh-on impossible not to be emotionally involved. One can only hope that one makes the wisest, kindest decision in such cases.
  • When it comes to my family, friends, children and animals, I make decisions with my heart first and am certainly emotionally involved. Most everything else, I try to find logic in whatever situation might need my input, while also being balanced with the appropriate amount of emotional concern.
  • It depends what it is. Some relationship situations are so intensely difficult because we are too emotionally involved to "see the wood for the trees". I would say you do not have to be detached, but certainly have the ability to be able to step back and look at the situation from both an objective and subjective angle (logic and emotion)
  • I think you are more liable to give a better solution if you are detatched emotionally from the situation in hand. Sometimes you cannot get away from the emotional tie to a situation and then the descision may seem the best one at the time but in the long term can turn out to have been too emotive. That is sad but you cannot cut off emotions if you are involved in the situation.

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