• According to historical fact passed down my family from generation to generation, Adam and Eve did not have bellybuttons as God had them miraculously appear, kind of like when a magician magically takes out a rabbit from his hat.
  • According to Christian belief no they did not although famous painters such as Michelangelo and Raphael have painted Adam with a belly button. The controversial debate has even seeped into the halls of the American Congress! In 1944, a subcommittee of the House Military committee refused to authorise the use of a 30-page book for American soldiers. The book, called "The Races of Man" had an illustration of Adam and Eve with belly buttons. The committee ruled that this would be misleading to American soldiers. “Your belly-button (navel), or tummy-button as it's sometimes called, is a sign that you were once attached to your mother. You depended on that life-line - the umbilical cord - for your nourishment from her body as you developed inside her. But our first parents, Adam and Eve, didn't develop that way. I believe that God would not have planted on them a false indication that they had developed in a mother's womb. When God created Adam and Eve in mature form, the day they were created they might have appeared to be, say, 30 years old. But God wouldn't want or need to create the appearance of a false history, any more than the mature trees created by God would have had growth rings initially. Those are things which would develop in their offspring as a result of processes later on.”
  • Leaving aside the spuriousness of the question, it would depend on whether or not you believe in spontaneous creation or evolution. If creation, then they might or might not have had, there is no evidence either way -- cameras weren't invented back then and we have no embalmed corpses to look at. If they were a product of divinely inspired evolution, then yes, they would have had belly buttons. A more interesting question is, did Adam and Eve discover fire or did they eat their food raw?
  • There is, of course, absolutely *no* answer to this question. However, we can cheerfully speculate until the cows come home. If one accepts that there is a Creator or Creators of some type, we can safely assume that he / she / it / they (whew, I think I've covered all of the bases here) has a wonderful sense of humour. Why else would the world be composed of the mix of people that it is? For example, jerks are distributed far and wide, to the everlasting annoyance of the rest of us. This must be like the good / evil bit: you must have one to understand the other. This sense of humour would mean that such a Creator(s) would never reveal the answer to this question, just to keep us puzzling our puzzlers for eternity. If, on the other hand, you are one of those who follow the Judeo-Christian-Muslim traditions and are believers in a literal interpretation of Genesis, as opposed to allegory or metaphor, my reasoning goes as follows. We can safely skip Eve's belly-button situation, as she was derived from Adam's flesh ("This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."). Similarly, there is a problem with Adam, as he was created in the divine image of God. He may have been created out of "the clay of the ground", but he was God's image. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves whether God had a belly-button at the time. There is no reference material available on this subject. If I am wrong and I go to heaven some day, I suppose I will find out. I'll put this one in the list of things to check. Reply: "There is ... no answer". Present tense. Now. An answer *may* have existed at one point in history, "[i]f .. you are one of those who" is a believer in a literal Genesis.
  • That question is a belief or faith thing. No need to prove it one way or the other. The thing about belief or faith is you have the choose to let you brain go where ever you want but never never try to cross over to fact. Get my drift.
  • In writing this, don't think that I am saying that other posters are wrong. There are no records of the creation that even consider this question. The only witnesses did not consider this worth discussion. So, all we are left with is speculation. We really have no way to know who is right on this. That written, while I am not saying that those of you who believe that Adam and Eve did not have belly buttons are wrong, I think that there is a flaw in your reasoning. The basic argument is that God would not have included belly buttons so as not to confuse them with a sign of a false history. The flaw that I see in this argument is that Adam and Eve would have known from whence they came. If they had had parents, as is suggested by the theory of intelligent design, then they would have remembered growing up and most likely would even remember their parents. However, if the literalists are correct and Adam and Eve were created spontaneously as adults, then they would not have had any memory of growing up and I am sure that God would have explained to them the nature of their creation. Therefore, a belly button would not have confused them as to their origins. Did they have belly buttons? I don't even claim to know. It is possible that God created everything originally without the signs of having grown up as one poster suggested. However, I think that this would have just created more confusion for our first parents. By creating them with belly buttons, God could have prevented them from thinking that the was something wrong with their children when they did have them. Similarly, creating trees with rings all the way through would have prevented question about why they only went part of the way. People were going to have belly buttons. Trees were going to have rings. So, God could have just created them all like this from the beginning.
  • According to Judaism, yes they did, but those belly buttons would have to have been "prestigial" -- that is, present before use (as opposed to "vestigial" or remaining after use). God created man (assuming this is the line of logic you buy into) perfect and complete, not with more developing necessary in later generations (or else you get into evolutionary arguments). If you were to say that because they were not born of a mother, they were physically different, then you would have to say that their skull bones were different as skulls fuse over the fontanelle after birth so that the bones can overlap to pass through the birth canal -- not birth, no need to overlap, solid skull. But we were created in the way God intended us to be -- not subject to generational shifts. [as to the rating which states that this is wrong for "obvious reasons" I humbly defy the rater to present any of those reasons within the religious context of my answer instead of simply giving a low rating with no factual proof]
  • In the light of eternity, how important is this ? Questions like this side track the real questions of salvation and where each one of us will spend eternity. You CAN know today the answer to the question: If you died today, would you go to heaven? That's what important;not did Adam & Eve have belly buttons! If God thought this information was pertinent to us He would have included in the text of the scriptures.
  • This is something I wouldn't have thought about, but I did look it up and people have all different answers to this question. I wonder why it would matter if they had a belly button or not. Since you want to know I feel if Adam and Eve were made the say way we were than they probably did have a belly button. If they were not formed like we are today than I doubt they had a belly button. I mean what is the purpose of a belly button. I hope this helps.
  • We are the Angels of the Tree of Life and we would like to answer this question through the channeling of Carol Levine in Israel. Adam and Eve are fictional characters in the Bible and they have been written about to show men on earth how man has developed. The real truth is that man developed from a hybrid of alien and earthly creatures and when the first man was born he was born of a breeding of the two species. In this case the first man did have a bellybutton because he was born in a natural process like all human beings today even though his original parents were not exactly of a human form. Many people will deny this theory because it cannot be proven right now but the day will come when this alien race will show itslef to the people on earth and tell the story of the creation of man. We want everyone who is reading this to know that this is the truth whether you believe it or not and since the beginning of man he has developed very much and become what he is today. He is still developing and in hundreds of years will have evolved into a species that is not really recognizable as the human being he is today. We wish you all well and we want you to know that the Angels of the Tree of Life are very close to God Most High and Carol channels us in Israel and has a 98% accuracy in her channeling. This is a channel from the 72 Angels of the Tree of Life on October 6, 2005.
  • No, Adam and Eve did not have belly buttons. Belly buttons are, in effect, a scar, which is the location of where the umbilical cord was located. Clearly, since Adam & Eve were the 1st human-beings, then they wouldn't have had belly buttons. I hope this helps to answer your question!
  • First God created Adam from dust of the earth then God put soul in his body ...then God found Eva from his left side...then they were order to not eat from a bush(wheat)...they satan decieved them and siad to Adam and Eva that this is very delicious thing ....when they disobeyed God they were exit from heaven to earth....then they rapent to God and God blessed on them and they were free...............
  • That is a freakin good question... but sorry I can't answer it, DON"T GIVE ME A BAD RATEING!!!!!!!
  • Of course they did! I find it incredible that people continue to read the Bible in such a word-for-word literal fashion. God created a universe destined for life and conscious, intelligent, soul-filled life and allowed that life to grow along its own path. This is the story of Divinely Inspired evolution that we see in Genesis. From the lower (vegetation, sea life etc.) comes the higher; (mammals and birds etc.) Thus the authors can honestly say that from the baseness of the lower forms of life (symbolized by the 'earthy' name "adam") and his being drawn 'up' from soulessness to soul-fulness, God has indeed breathed a new form of conscious life into his crowning creation. At some point in history at least two criters created by God's preffered method of 'free choice evolution') stood up from creation and realized that there was more to life than living in the dirt, as an animal. These creatures were quite different from the others in the group, not because they magically apeared, but because God's plan for creation had, in due time, gifted them with an awareness of themselves and an awareness of their loving Father who had created all things and who intended for them, with their new soul-filled awarness, to image God to the rest of creation. As with all other mammillian creatures that God's plan has given rise to since complex mammals began to roam the earth...these too had belly buttons identical to their parents who remained more beast than person and continued to be as unaware of the world and their place in it as most if not all lower animals do today. The fact of the matter is, the authors of Genesis never intended for anyone to read this book as an instruction manual for the creation of a person. Rather, they wanted people to know quite simply that God has created human beings to image God to the universe and to each other; that God from the start wanted to have an intimate relationship with humanity from the moment this new life for them began; that God gave humanity the choice as to whether or not they want to be a part of this plan; that humanity has largely chosen to stray from this relationship and its role of imaging God to the world over and over again throughout history and finally, that God is determined to have humanity return to that initial harmonious and life-giving relationship that was intended from the begining. This was the role of Christ in God's plan for salvation and the Book of Revelation assures us that God will succeed in the end. If you read the Bible as literal truth, you have a lot more to be concerned with than whether Adam and Eve had belly need to have your head examined!
  • Why should they? They didn't come from a womb, didn't have umbilical cords attached to them. So, no bellybutton.
  • And Adam didn't have nipples either. He never had to give milk to his offspring, or did he?
  • When I was a kid my cousin told me that when God made all of us, He lined us all up for quality control. He took a stick and went down the row, poking us each in the belly and saying "You're done." "You're done." "You're done." So Adam and Eve probably had bellybuttons too. (I know. I know. I'm NOT a believer in a literal Adam and Eve.)
  • Considering the story, I wouldn't think that they would have bellybuttons. I mean, they weren't born in the conventional sense. But I'm sure God thought they looked weird and just performed a minor plastic surgery on them and gave them some nice, fashionable bellybuttons so that the other animals wouldn't laugh at them.
  • only God knows and them of course
  • Ya know, I've made up my mind that the most plausible explanation for humans and the Bible is that God had been making primates evolve, and at a certain point they evolved enough to be considered humans. At that point. I guess (through my theory) Adam would have had a bellybutton. Now, many animals don't have belly buttons, is that because their parents chew them off. Do primates do that? Would that work with humans? Who knows. I'll go Answerbag it.
  • No, they had knots where the bellybutton would be. They were filled with helium and needed someplace to seal the helium in.
  • An age old question :-) Made by God, so not born, So no umbilical cord, and hence no belly button I guess, but I am sure someone will correct me soon :-)
  • I don't imagine it makes much difference one way or the other. God intended for them to have children so He may have put belly buttons on them from the get go but I can't say. It seems a pretty arbitrary thing to do.
  • If God had a belly button then Adam and Eve had them as well.We were created in god's mirror image on Adam and Eve they were just for show!
  • The Bible is always fiction to those who live contrary to it. I can say, without any doubt, that Adam and Eve did not have navels. You do not have to know Adam or Eve to know this answer. But you do have to know the character of the Lord. He is completely good, honest, and He is not a God who creates a deception or an illusion that goes contrary to who He is. Who is He? He is our Creator, God. And the absence of Adam and Eve's navels, in the beginning, is a dynamic, powerful proof of divine creaion. God formed them from the dust of the ground, there was no need for navels. God created us in our mother's wombs, where the need for navels is a matter of life.
  • You do not need to have known Adam and Eve to know the answer to this question. But you do need to know the character of the Lord. Who is God? He is the Creator of all mankind. He is not a God who creates a deception or an illusion that goes contrary to His Word. No, they absolutely did not have navels. The absence of navels is a powerful proof of divine creation. As I said, God would never give them navels when it goes against His Word. Adam and Eve were formed from the dust of the ground. We were formed by God in our mother's womb where navels are mandatory for a little bit.
  • Since Adam was formed by God from the dust of the earth~the answer would be no. Although pictures of Adam and Eve show they have belly buttons. In order to have a belly button they would have had to been born from a human since that belly button is where the mother and child were connected during the developmental stages of life.
  • Who knows. Funny question though. I would have to say no. Since they were never "born" there would have been no bellybuttons. Their children, however, had them, I'm certain.
  • NO, of course not, they were not that daft, they knew chocolate buttons were much tastier by far.
  • Yes, but oddly enough, they were in the middle of their forehead. Thankfully, God decide to fix that little design issue. (I'm kidding, relax)
  • I suppose there'd be no need, eh? Good one! ;-)
  • Because the Belly button is a Scar from the umbilical cord that is received from the mothers womb, Neither Adam or eve had belly buttons because according to the Bible, they were created by God and not Born of a Woman.
  • who said they did?
  • They didn't!
  • Ive never met adam and Im not sure that they did?????
  • how do you know that they did
  • Not sure that they did, but assuming that you know, were they inies or outies?
  • Then why do WE have belly buttons?
  • Are you sure they did?
  • Because if they didn't, it'd look weird on a poster.
  • God made them that way?!?!...the atheist said.
  • Because the guy who made them up didn't think we'd catch on to this detail. Some people fail at lying.
  • Let me check.
  • Where exactly does it say they did?
  • I assume They did because God doesn't screw up.
  • To connect them to the missing link? Honestly, was Adam a neanderthal or Rhodesian Man or Hidelberg Man? Was he a Homo habilis? Or did Adam and Eve fit somewhere in the pre Homo period over 2.5 million years ago? Isn't it more likely that the story of Genesis is an allegory meant to teach us about life, not to describe its scientific origin?

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