• the people are fine.
  • I have several Islamic friends. They're quite nice, and very good cooks. ^_^ the whole eating "clean" food thing makes for some yummy lunches.
  • They are people. What else am I supposed to think?
  • not too much. too crazy.
  • fanatics
  • I have no problems with muslims. It's the religious fanatics in any religion that make everyone else look bad. It's the fanatics I have problems with, not muslims.
  • My opinions vary on Muslims as much as they vary on any other kind of numerous people. I like a lot of em, I hate a lot of em, and everywhere in between
  • The same as I think of everyone else - until they prove me wrong.
  • Their cool
  • They are just people. If one of them acts like a good person they are a good person. If one acts like a bad person, they are a bad person. What does his/her religion have to do with them. Having not met each and everyone of them, I can only take them on a one on one basis.
  • There's 1.3 billion of them on the planet, how many have I met? Maybe 0.0000000000001 percent of them, and probably even less than that (I'm no mathmatician). So I hesitate to pass judgement. The ones I have met make amazing food, and are extremely welcoming when you visit. The extremists I haven`t met, thankfully, I missed the London Tube bombings by a hair. Allah was looking after me that day.
  • That's a bit of a racist question. Why would anybody feel differently about a Muslim as opposed to a Christian or Jew or any other religious person? Now if you said what do I think about insane people who blow themselves up or any other radical, violent, misguided person who hurts and kills others and/or themselves for their god, then I would say I wish there were some way I could make each one see that is not the way. People are people and it really doesn't matter what race or religion they are from or follow. It has to do with the individual and how they act on a daily basis.
  • I think they need education on birth control
  • I think they are people who follow the Muslim religion. Some of them are good, some are not, and I've met very few of them (compared to the number of Muslims on this planet). Like any religion, how it motivates them to treat those around them and themselves varies, and how each person (regardless of religion) treats others and themselves is what is important.
  • love them, my nephew is muslim.
  • good and bad, same as any other religion. people are always various in their interpretation of the religion. the ones that i know (including myself i hope) are good people though
  • I think of them as I do everyone else, they are people that happen to believe differently then I do.
  • I haven't met a very wide variety, but my mother is Muslim and if she's any indication to the religion as a whole, I think they're awesome. I've met a few that I wouldn't care to deal with on a daily basis, of course, but I've met people from many different religious backgrounds that I wouldn't care to deal with on a daily basis, so...
  • people
  • they are people just like everybody else.
  • They are people. Muslim people to me seem particularly calm and peaceful.
  • LoL I see them as a human specie. lol why what do yoooooooooooooouu think about them ? :/
  • I don't know any, but I see a few of them around and they don't seem much different from other people.
  • On average they are, well, average. Some are good and some are bad. I WILL say that the best meal I EVER had was in a little Italian place in Jebel Ali, and the service we got was... I've been to places that charged five times the price and got less than one-tenth the service they gave me. We tipped them 250% and my buddy's Swiss Army knife (one of the waiters liked it). most other Muslims I've known were also quite courteous. Honestly, they were more respectful than many Christians and/or Republicans I've known.
  • I don't mean to offend any of you who happen to be muslim, but I'm very scared of muslim people and it isn't just because of 9/11. There's a lot more to it than that. I've had three muslim doctors who I could swear were trying to kill me with the drugs they were giving me.
  • Killers and evil. So many sadness and misery has been caused due to them blowing up buildings and killing thousands of innocent people. I recall seeing the site of 9/11 in 2001 and recalling how horrible they must be to have done such an evil thing.
  • I feel sorry that the American and most of the European media and its leaders are out to make them look like dangerous terrorists, when they are not. There are extremists but only a very small percentage of them are. Their way of life poses NO threat whatsoever to anyone else's way of life, on the contrary the American military occupation in the middle east poses a huge threat to their way of life as well as ours.
  • They've got at least the God part right.
  • I can't make an opinion because I have honestly never meant one. I can't judge the people if I have never neant any.
  • F I الصمت كافر ØŒ فسوف اقتل أنت!
  • It's a shame ALL of the Answers and comments that were here have been deleted.. Way to go Pustic. Someone could of learned something... Anyway.. to answer the question agian... I feel sorry for the Muslim people, because of how the American Media and its leaders are portraying the Religion and the people. Seems like tto many americans are associating Muslims with Terrorism. This is blind racism and very unfortunate.
  • Chew my shorts Freedom
  • Nothing different than Christian, Jews, etc.
  • The only time I think of Muslims is when someone slanders them, or tries to use them to denigrate Barrack Obama.
  • This is a bitter taste of reality. Tough to watch,but much tougher if ignored. This is the film by Geert Wilders. He's a Dutch writer who is now under protection from the Islamists in the Netherlands. This is the film that has the EU and the muslim world with their pants in a wad. Most websites have removed it, including You Tube. All bowing to threats. Google still has it posted as of today but, will probably bow to pressure soon. It is about 16 minutes long but, worth the time. Can be a little tough to watch in spots. But this is what we are up against. I think we better get REAL serious.
  • I think it would be absurd to generalize about the followers of one of the most important religions in the world. I am certain there are wonderful people and awful people who follow Islam. I certainly hope that I would never allow someone's religion to influence what I think about that person.
  • Exactly the same as I think of everyone else in the world. Some are great, some are lousy, most are in the different from Christian, Jewish,or anyone else of any other faith or non-faith. Only bigots generalize in a negative fashion. Fair-minded people never generalize.
  • You are on a Muslim site so I suppose you will get a lot of positive replies. I hope you get a lot of positive replies from others as well. I think we are great. Salaam
  • Too many laws of How to Be Holy.- Boandages
  • That they are not very good at public relations. They are very narrow minded. They are willing to advance a religious belief with no concern to other religions or other lives. They have no intentions of moving past the 18th century. Women's rights is of no concern to them. I answered the question and if my opinion is an issue then see my first point and blame the Muslims not me.
  • I am a Muslim and believe that before someone says something stupid about us they should actually learn who we are(not terrorists). Did you know that the Muslim greeting(Assalamu Alaikum) actually means: "May the Peace and Blessings be upon you." There may be some crazy maniacs among us but what religion is there that their aren't crazy maniacs who do dumb things(blow stuff up).
  • I have no quarrels with them, as people they're no different than anyone else. As a religion, well I disagree with many of islamic beliefs(Ie woman, homosexual, etc matters) but I have never met a Muslim who has tried to convert me. Something that the xtians INSIST!!! on doing.
  • it's just like any religion ...some good , some bad but the good Muslims are really great ...they are wonderful.. they are respectful..honest and peaceful
  • Good people are always great!
  • Muslims are lunatics, kinda cowards who can't face infront, backstabbers. deport em'all to hell, atleast this world "FOR US" would be a better place to live then. Killing in the name of God and apologizing in the name of God. Such a sick cowards they are.. Very soon thier religion will be pulverized...zap em'all.. Have you ever wondered. That why ain't most Muslims nations are developed. "Just because they themseleves bury thier knees under".. Yes, this an major criticism and I am exculpating the 'larger cowardly Muslim community' not only the Extremists group.. No one can convince me. My words stay the same that "Muslim are cowards".
  • It`s not what I think of muslim people that matter much so much as what they think of me. I'm not about to go out and kill or maim any of them anytime soon.
  • They are people just like anyone else. I don't think the few bad apples represent the lot, just like any other religious group. The muslims in my life are moderate, educated, respectful and humble - just like all of my friends, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish or even atheist. So I guess the question isn't really relevant - it is like asking, "What do you think of Christians?" or "What do you think of African Americans?" They are all people with some good and some bad - just like every other groups of people.
  • Some appear good to impress others !! Even those who used to be real good are changing :( Look at Islamic countries & see what they do with christians & decide for yourself ! They say that is not Islam ! You hear good words only , no actions !
  • They hate alllllll other non-moslems with variable expression of their hatered !! All what they do in their lives is based on whether u r a moslem or not . In Islam , a good moslem is the one from which his brother moslem is safe !! It's fully wrong to hurt a moslem but it's fine otherwise !!
  • mostly good with a vocal @#$hole minority. of course the same could be said of all nationalities and religions.
  • we all are the same
  • From the ones I have met on a personal level, very nice, friendly, funny, talented and kind. From the ones I encounter everyday in my local neighbourhood pleasant, polite and hardworking. From what I read in the newspapers frightened and victimised. From what I see on television and in movies, scary terrorists. I don't believe everything I see on TV.
  • Religious humans under the command of god
  • If I told you what I really think of them I would be breaking every rule on this site so I will leave it for you to decide.
  • This is what we think of Islam
  • I think that they are all great!
  • I believe that they are truly misunderstood. There was a black comedian talking about how there were so many more blacks in TX high security prisons than the percent blacks in the population. He said that he got to do a movie set in such a prison and he really got to know some of the brothers. Then he says: "Thank God for the TX prison system!" The Muslims are misunderstood in the same way. After you get to know them you will understand why they are so dangerous. They want to come in and tell you how to life. Not a Muslim? You should be converted by force.
  • You cannot judge a person by religion because that is prejudice. You have to look at what kind of a person they are and then make a decision. Example people think bad of Israelies but i met one who wasnt that bad. See? its not about religion or skin colour or even nationality, all these things mean nothing. We are all human and should be united like a massive family.
  • They are ambitious and they don't give up their rights and their homeland .
  • you cant judge someone by their religion. there are always some good and some bad people in a religion. just becasue some are bad, doesn't mean they all are.
  • They are very nice people
  • same as anyone else,we are but human.
  • why ,,? what did they say about me ?
  • where ever you go there is always good and bad people ... in Islam it is the same too ..well I am proudly one of them .. however I know my religion very well is the perfect religion that was revealed from god after the christianty has been changged and after it had lost its meanings that it was revealed to fulfill then god has sent islam and kept it away from changing .. and as we see nowadays there is many bad ideas about it I know.. many thinks that Islam is terrorism while it is not ... Islam is the religion of peace .. and those who do that horrible things they r not muslims cus Islam had never ment violance and terrorism ... while islam is the perfect religion that has all the great wonderful thoughts that every one desire to have ... and we r as a muslims we live our live normaly we don't miss any thing in our lives ... " the real muslims are a really good people " but first you should know what does Islam means ... thanks

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