• yech... no i don't eat heart, liver nor lungs and the whole boiled in the stomach thing sounds icky...
  • I am going to Scotland next month and my friend is telling me that Haggis is delicious and that I have to try it. Now that I have read your description as to what is in it I think that I may pass on it.
  • Absolutely! I love trying exotic foods that some people find repulsive due to what society has taught them to like and dislike. Prime example, McDonald's brainwashing children with TV ads on the Disney channel. Their product is horrible for anyone's health, but society has embraced the brand due to hooking generations at an early age.
  • Haggis is lovely we used to have it every burns night with mash and turnip.
  • I sure would! I'd try just about anything once!
  • It's just a big round sausage... there are worse things in "proper" suasages. HAving said that I don't eat it very often. (And I am Scottish... my local butcher makes award winning haggises)
  • No I wouldn't...I might throw up IN it... I can't even eat red meat let alone the insides of an animal...ugh!
  • I have tried it quite a few times and must say that each time it very nearly made me sick! So, no I wouldent eat it again, given a choice
  • No, but, I do love some boudin. Boudin is pig liver, pork, spices, and rice cooked in a casing of pig intestines. Um um good.
  • I live in scotland and eat it regularly, its lovely fried with bacon/eggs for breakfast, or done in batter from the local chippie, a must for visitors to the country to try, its oatmealy and spicy, not at all like the description! Try it and see for yourself. Its like all other foods, you wont know if you like it until you try.
  • I love Haggis its yummy:)
  • 60% sheeps's lung? That I can handle... it's the other 40% that scares me.
  • That's really revolting. Thanks for the info.
  • Eaten Haggis? Yes Try it again? No Due to your (mis)information? Nope, I hated it the first time around.
  • REAL haggis.
  • I've never eaten true haggis because it is illegal in the USA: Since many countries' food safety laws outlaw some of the ingredients in haggis (for example, United States law forbids the sale of any animal's lungs for human consumption), expatriate Scots and Scots descendants overseas have been known to engage in haggis smuggling to obtain true Scottish haggis Although there are many recipes, it is normally made with the following ingredients: sheep's heart, liver, and lungs (or "lights"), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for several hours. In this it somewhat resembles other stuffed intestines, otherwise known as sausages, of which it is one of the largest types.
  • I love Haggis. I knew what was in it when I tried it and still loved it.
  • Tried it, loved it and would eat it again! Same goes for sausages!
  • Well you certainly shouldn't waste it,Most people think they are like stuffed animals or sumthn.Yeah after they die they start decaying,and stink really bad,maggots love them! and I love maggots high in protein ya know! I don't like flies,and wish they were not swarming around my children in Africa! No wonder people are at war ya know,Hopefully they are beneficial somehow the flies! Yeah good thing people are generous enough to help send aid to countries with famine.I have not contributed enough,I think I'll fast for a few days,so my spirit will grow stronger.
  • I've eaten haggis lots of times, and I'm healthy as a horse. It is delicious and probably quite good for you. I see no problem.
  • You had me till lung.
  • er - Excuse me, but isn't one of your National Dishes chittlins? And what is chittlins made of? They are the intestines and rectum of a pig that have been prepared as food. They are a type of offal. Exactly the same as haggis! haha... sweet.. ;p
  • H*ll yeah, I've eaten haggis! And I'd love to have some again! My first experience with haggis was in Holy Loch (and yes, I know it's 'loch' with a soft "ch" sound) Scotland. I had just reported to my first ship (USS Henry Clay, SSBN-625) and the guys in my division took me out on the town in Dunoon. Had my first introduction to one of the finest foods in the world (hot fish and chips with malt vinegar and salt, served up on a sheet of newspaper on a cold, windy, rainy night). Anyway, the guys asked "Have you ever had haggis?" and when I asked what it was they all got that knowing smile and said "You've GOT to have haggis!" It was one of those "We're-gonna-pull-a-good-one-on-this-sucker" smiles. . What they didn't realize was that though I hadn't been raised on a farm, both of my parents had been and I was no stranger to what went into the various types of sausages and how they were made. Not to mention, I had a reputation of being able to eat anything on the face of the Earth, as long as it's called 'food' somewhere. So I had some, and have loved it ever since. There is only ONE thing I'd like to know about haggis: What is the proper pronunciation of the word? Man, I'm hungry now. Anybody care to guess what I'm craving now?
  • See: Hard Hearted Harbinger of Haggis from: so I married an Ax Murderer
  • i don't like Haggis it's too greasy for me.
  • I have eaten haggis, and enjoyed it. But what is even more disgusting is the... vegetarian haggis!! what is the point???
  • When I worked as a Butcher many years ago, all what you mentioned apart from the heart was put aside and minced then sold as 'dog food'......No, I wouldn't eat Haggis :o)
  • Surprisingly, yes I have, and I'm not really a fan. I can eat it, but there are many other things I would prefer if given the choice.
  • I like a small portion with beef, like you would have stuffing with your turkey.
  • Several times, yes. It's okay, a bit too plain for me.
  • My wife and I eat it at least once a week, the last time being 30 minutes agom all the denyers don't know what they are missing, these are the people who probably enjoy hamburgers and in particular, hot dogs, they should see them being made and from what.
  • I've never had it but i would give it a try maybe if i visit scotland sometime soon. :)
  • It sounds delicious after reading all the answers. I've always liked eating the insides. So yes, I would like to try it.

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