• It means you should look into astral projection and/or lucid dreaming a little, read and practice, it's a very fun way to live at night!
  • write him an email and find out. I've had this happen, made a good friend too.
  • No but this sounds really fascinating to me, i believe in fate and all that kind of thing, and im really interested in the answer by kerrirae about astral projection. I also think that you have to try to get this man to listen to you, its all happened for a reason, but you can imagine how you would feel if someone emailed you out of the blue saying they had a dream about you but dont actually know you, i would be terrified and think the person was a complete nutter! Like you said you think something is going to happen to him... gosh its so scary but like i said fascinating. I really would like to know what happens here!! Will you try astral projection? and yes who is Odin?
  • No but this sounds really fascinating to me, i believe in fate and all that kind of thing, and im really interested in the answer by kerrirae about astral projection. I also think that you have to try to get this man to listen to you, its all happened for a reason, but you can imagine how you would feel if someone emailed you out of the blue saying they had a dream about you but dont actually know you, i would be terrified and think the person was a complete nutter! Like you said you think something is going to happen to him... gosh its so scary but like i said fascinating. I really would like to know what happens here!! Will you try astral projection? and yes who is Odin?
  • I have not, but I have a friend who had dreamt of ME and as he was describing me to a friend of his, I showed up and heard him say loudly, "THERE SHE IS"!! Then they came over to meet me, introduced himself and his friend and right away told me that he had just been talking about ME. That he had a dream of me and I looked precisely the way I did in his dream. Both of them were acting like this was a very amazing thing that they had not anticipated! His friend verified that they were indeed talking about a dream he had the night before and in describing what I looked like, he said it could have been no one but me because he was so detailed in his description. We became fast friends and have known each other now for over 50 years.
  • Yes, I've also dreamt of this person since I was a child. I know his first name and I know how he looks like. Sometimes I read a story in the news and sense that it had something to do with him. I feel very close to this person, whoever he is. His appearance in my dreams always comforts me. Sometimes I can actually call him when I'm awake and he appears in my dreams. He is always smiling, initially his face was a blur but as time passed his face became clearer. I would love to meet him someday but I don't know where to start looking for him. I feel I shouldn't - that I'll meet him when it's time.
  • Yes! Me too! I kept having dreams about a boy who kept saving my butt (normally I'm the one doing that), and now I see him in a class I'm taking through a different school. Problem is, I don't know who he is, and every time I try to find out he disappears. I could of swore he followed me home once, but every time I turned around he was gone. Even heard him scream at me. And then I saw him in random places, and every time he disappeared. He even showed up at my school, in the rain, then vanished when I opened the door. I'm not crazy, and I'm telling the truth. I only see him in the class otherwise. The first time he showed up was on a full moon, and he fences saber (I fence foil). It's so creepy, yet I'm dying to find out who he is.
  • I sometimes have dreams about someone being murdered. It has been a long time ago since I have had these kind of dreams. I dreamt about a woman once, did know her firsname but I cant remember it now. I dreamt I was walking on a beach and I knew I was in the US. In the water I saw the corpse of a blond lady wearing a red dress. Dont ask me how I knew but I knew she had been thrown into the sea and drowned because she wasnt a good swimmer.Later I googled the name, the surname was robinson I believe, and it turned out to be a 6 year old girl who had gone missing but was found later on a beach somewhere. They stated she drowned. I felt very awkward. I want happy dreams. Not these kind of things. I usually try to make a run for it and try to wake up when corpses and ghosts of dead children appear. It freaks me out!
  • yes i've had dreams about someone that i grew up with as a little girl. we have not seen each other for like 10 years now. this person i was in love with for so long, things changes i had to move away. i always dream about this person, and it's killing me to see him in my dreams but not an person. well i still have the person number we just talk over the phone alot. but i always have dreams about him what should i do to stop it?

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