• I can think of 2 justifiable reasons: Cheating or if the relationship is abusive and risking your (or your kids) safety.
  • The only reason you should get a divorce is because you are positively sure you are no longer in love, why should you cheat yourself out of feeling loved and understood and CHEATING there is nothing to justify that once a cheater always a cheater!
  • My divorce was justified because he wanted to do nothing but smoke marijuana in the house, in front of the kids while I was at work. He wanted to spend all weekend drinking and getting high, instead of taking care of the kids while I worked. When he wasn't calling me fatass, he was ignoring me, the only reason he wanted me around was to take care of the kids and house while he played. He did work, but his job was evidently harder than mine, and he deserved to have his days off to himself (while my days off were during the week, and I did housework on them). I decided I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life being that unhappy, and filed for divorce.
  • My divorce was justifiable. Most divorces are. People don't go through that money and expense for no reason. The fact that you aren't privy to the reasons doesn't give anyone the right to judge the divorce as unjustifiable. No one has any obligation whatsoever to prove to anyone but the judge that their divorce is necessary. It is absolutely none of anyone else's business. A stance against divorce under any circumstances is just unethical and cruel. That says that no matter how badly someone treats you, you have to stay married to him/her and can never have a second chance at marital happiness. That's cruel and inhumane.
  • I don't think anyone should be married to someone they don't want to be married to anymore. What's the point in staying married?
  • Divorce is very serious. I would explore all measures of alternative before making such a leap that you may regret. Why not try taking a year of separation to think first? If you find at the end of that year that you continue to feel an aversion toward that person, an aversion that you believe cannot be altered...then perhaps you can begin to move forward with such a breech. Good luck.
  • If the partner is abusive (mentally or physically), cheating/lying, self-destructive, or you do not think they are a suitable parent for your kids. No divorce is, as AntigoneRising put it, cruel. Being stuck in a relationship would be terrible. And knowing that you could never be happy again is a prison sentence.
  • Divorce is only an option if there is abuse (in some form) or infidelity.
  • If two people are not happy and it shows (normally it does) Or if the two argue and fight, it is time to end it! The kids are going to have a hard time being happy. I am speaking from experience I witnessed many fights between my mom and dad and I can tell you, it is not good for a kid to see it!
  • There is only one justifiable reason for divorce- infidility. even with that if you are still in love you can still stay together. All other rasons such as abuse both physical, emotional, etc could be dealt with. eg if a partner is abusive, you can talk to him to stop if not talk to a counselor, a pastor, or his/her good friend. It may be due to the fact that the 2 doesn't understand each other.
  • There are a lot of reasons for divorce, but one where it seems it should be mandatory are abuse (spiritual, verbal, intellectual, monitary, physical). Especially the last one - It's NOT love when there's abuse. Abuse can escellate(sp?) to physical and WORSE (death). AND, kids who grow up in abusive situations, usually end up as abusers themselves.
  • Cheating or any kind of physical or mental abuse. No one should be forced to stay in a relationship where their partner is either a cheater or abusive in any way.
  • If your partner is cruel and selfish, then if you divorce him, he may turn the kids against you by mixing truth with lies, using emotional blackmail, etc. The court will allow the kids to choose which parent they wish to live with, and, by dramatic displays of his emotional pain, he may lead them to believe that he needs them more than you do, and it is their duty to stay with him. If your partner is more used to getting his way, and more ruthless than you, then he is probably more likely to win the custody battle. Check out parental alienation on the website MATCH (mothers apart from their children). Some of the women on this website have no contact at all with their children. If you think you could be a victim of parental alienation, then consider either taking your children to a woman's sanctuary where he will be unable to contact them. If you cannot get into a sanctuary, maybe consider staying until they leave home, particularly if you think your partner is capable of doing severe long term damage to your children's mental health if he does succeed in alien ating them from you.
  • If two people no longer wish to be married then its justified. And who do they have to justify it to? Its their lives why can't they live it there way?
  • If you are truly miserable and you have tried repeatedly to repair your marriage, or if you are physically or mentally abused.
  • as a child of divorce, i went through alot because of my parent's inability to work together. I am all for divorce, but it is important to establish some sort of SYSTEM between the parents. One for a schedule for where the kids will go, and a system for how the parents will communicate to eachother. My parents were unable to communicate, and that made my teenage days a living hell since i was the interpreter.
  • OK, my second wife divorced me. Her grounds were the generic "irreconcilable differences." Biblically, there is only one justifiable grounds for divorce and that is unfaithfulness. I also think that if the one spouse is abusive to the other, that divorce is justified. This abuse could be physical, emotional or verbal. But, none of those three are Biblical.
  • Divorce is a necessary action in some cases. I believe that infidelity (cheating), mental or physical abuse (spouse and/or kids) and drug use/abuse are all legitimate reasons for divorce.
  • I think the only time divorce should come into play is if their is infidelity or both people are extremely unhappy. I hate when people get married and then get divorced not even a year later. Marriage is WORK...when times get tough, don't on it!
  • Being married is a choice, if either partner at any point 100% does not want to be married anymore then it is completely justified. What would be unjustified is having the expectation that someone should be prisoner to a loveless marriage. Of course they shouldn't have taken the vows in the first place if they didn't truly love each other but as most of you probably know its hard to hold any type of measuring stick up to love. Most people on here probably know that from their first love (the one that seemed it would last forever) that we can often misjudge things in this world. Especially love. Peace
  • infidelity...that can certainly be a relationship killer...and yes, it is justifiable if you can no longer trust the person...that is backed up by law as a matter of fact.

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