• So that you may decide whether to.
  • Look at it this way. You have a child. That child has free will, but you have more experience. You tell the child not to touch the hot burner on the stove. The child now has a choice will he follow your commandment or won't he. If he chooses to disobey you and touch the burner, he is going to get burned. This will not make him happy. The same thing goes for us and our relationship with God. Compared to Him, we are as children. He has the much greater knowledge and wisdom. So, He gives us commandments, not to curtail our freedom or to keep us from being happy, but because He knows what is best for us. The commandments that He gives us provide the path through this life that will allow us to avoid most of the pitfalls and sorrows thereby allowing us to lead the happiest possible lives in mortality and to ultimately return to live with Him for eternity. We all still have a choice as to whether we will follow Him. He will not force salvation on any of us, but He has laid out the best path through this life.
  • He gives everyone a choice.
  • Because Yahweh just pretends to extend free will. In fact, if you don't obey Him and worship Him, you are tortured for eternity in Hell. I don't see any difference in that and a gun to your head. It is force, not free will.
  • The dignity conferred with free will is what separates humans from the other animals. When God, in the beginning, created man, he made him subject to his own free choice. (Sirach 15:14) God created man a rational being, conferring on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and control his own actions. "God willed that man should be 'left in the hand of his own counsel,' so that he might of his own accord seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him." In other words, God has set down a law of love and He (or She) has been written this law onto our hearts. We have been given free will and responsibility. We can choose to follow the law of love, be happy, and be with God forever. Or we can choose to break the law of love, be miserable, and be separated from God forever. God will respect our free will choice. With love in Christ.
  • He gave us the will to make our own choice on what path we would take. If we obey Him He will award us for doing His will........M.C.S.
  • We have "free" will, but we must obey a set of rules (if a set of rules must be followed than doesn't that defeat the purpose of free will?). If those rules are not followed then we will pay for it in hell. So were we created to follow those rules?

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