• That is an incredible broad generalization, and I'm afraid you probably won't get a response you will be happy with no matter what anyone says.
  • I haven't known that to be the case. There's always going to be some people of any religion who are unaccepting of others' beliefs, no particular faith is very much more or less unaccepting and xenophobic than any other. By definition, different religions have different beliefs, and that's bound to lead to some conflict, but it can't be pinned down to any specific religion, it's just religion in general that's unaccepting.
  • Well, you are wrong on both counts. Were you aware that two very large buildings in New York are currently missing? I guess that means that not all Muslims accept Jews and Christians. Get some perspective man.
  • It is not about accepting Muslims, Christians, and Jews. We can all accept each other as people. We don't have to accept each others beliefs in order to accept each other. Christianity teaches that Jesus is our way to the Father; it does not mean that we have nothing in common with Judaism and Islam; it does mean that we have a major difference on how to access the Father. I hope that answers your question.
  • As a Christian I can honestly say I have no problem with anyone of any religion, whether they be Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Jews, Catholics, Baptist, and so on. I may not agree with what they believe or disbelieve, but that has nothing to do with whether I accept them or not. They are all my brothers and sisters; and as such I love them all. I can only speak for myself. I can not and will not try to speak for all Christians, Jews or any other religious denomination. In His service, <:))))<>< "Knowing the Bible is one thing. Knowing the Author is another!" ~Anonymous~
  • I have never personally witnessed a member of any of these groups rejecting any member of any of the other groups. In fact, they all live side-by-side (with Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists thrown in the mix) just fine here.
  • There are 164 verses in the Koran commanding jihad--aggression, violence, suppression, conquest, subjugation and murder--of Jews, Christians, and pagans. In the Old Testament, for a very limited time and place the Jews were supposed to kill or expel certain very specific people who were utter degenerates. This command is no longer in effect. There is nothing comparable in the New Testament. I think you're question has it exactly backwards. The times when Christians engaged in religious aggression were abuses of christianity and in violation of the New Testament. The times when Muslims engage in aggression are exactly what Islam is all about.
  • I think that youre reffering to the fact that muslim religion is something that continues from judaism and christianity. Its like muslims are saying: "you are both right, but the story continues and here is how it goes..."
  • I accept everyone no matter what their religion or belief.
  • Please state why you believe Muslims accept Jews and Christians (and every other non-Muslim). Please cite current events and current Muslim leaders, Islamic rulers and not historic/religious text.
  • The fact of the matter is that both Muslims and Christians have shown an intolerance for people of other religions. In some cases, this intolerance continues to this day. However, I know of no such institutionalized intolerance on the part of the Jews in the present day. You may try to claim that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is an example of their persecution of Muslims. However I would dispute that claim. It is the Muslim community's refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist that has kept things stirred up in that part of the world. When the Palestinians controlled Jerusalem, they denied other religions the right to worship at their respective holy sights. After the Jews took control of the city, they opened up the holy sites to each of the three religions that call it a holy city. This includes the Muslims. Additionally, 16.2% of the population of Israel is Muslim. They have all of the same rights as the Jews and Christians do in that nation. They can vote and do have representation in the government. Can the same be said for Jews in Iran, Saudi Arabia, or all of the rest of the Muslim nations? So, I would say that the problems between the Israel and its neighbors is not so much Israel persecuting Muslims as it is Muslims being unwilling to accept a predominantly Jewish nation. Now then, there may be certain groups of Jews in Israel that have turned militant as a result of the constant persecution to which they have been subjected. However, they don't represent the policy of the government of Israel. As far as I know, in order to find institutionalized persecution of another people by the Jews, you have to go all the way back to Biblical times. So, within relatively recent history, both Christians and Muslims have been guilty of systematic, institutionalized persecution of people of other religions. However, the Jews have not been guilty of this. So, if you ask me, on the whole, the Jews are a lot more accepting of other religions than either Christians or Muslims have been. And I right this as a Christian. I am not a Jew.
  • Just to get the one or two thing straight with you: 1) Muslims do not allow churches to be built in their land 2Muslims do not allow muslim women to marry christian males. 1a)Christians allow mosques to get built every day all over christian land. 2a)christians allow muslim males or females to marry either males or female christians
  • I'm not sure however I do believe Jews are the least accepting of other people and religions, especially if you convert to Judaism they make you feel very un-welcome, almost like you arent good enough to be Jewish, and this opinion is coming from a Jew, I have noticed this about my peeps for a long time now.
  • Predujice is what it is no matter what the guisen is!
  • I agree with Kozbik, Jews are the most unaccepting people and faith in comparison to others, its like we expect people to kiss our ass and admit they are pieces of crap if they arent born Jews, however I must admit even though I may be rare as an "accpeting Jew" I really dislike and am uncomfortable by the Christians I think they are and will always be the biggest sychos on the planet, I will always rather have a Muslim neighbor than a Christian one. Greetings from Tel-Aviv.
  • Mohammad instructed his followers to more or less accept Jews and Christians, with strings attached. Judaism is more isolationist, preferring not to interfere with outsiders or be interfered with, while Christianity has no such hangup. Until Israel came about, Muslim countries were pretty friendly to Jews, probably moreso than any western countries other than maybe the U.S..
  • Muslims accept Jews? Really? Ever hear of Hamas?
  • I don't like this question -4 It annoys me when people say foolish things like this. I am a christian and i accept ALL kinds of people

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