• The two are exactly what their names imply. An amp amplifies signal, where as a preamp handles the signal before the amplifier. The Preamp accepts all your sources. It let's you equalize the signal or even bypass equalization for a purer sound. The preamp then outputs the audi signal to the amplifier. The amplifer takes the given signal and then ................. Amplifies it! Amplifiers usually only offer one set of inputs, either a mono signal, two mono signals (giving you stereo sound) or multiples for a sat/sub system or a surround sound set up.
  • pre-amp is before-amp and amp is amp. Get it?
  • Pre-amps are used for amplifying small amplitude audio signals up to the normal range that's input to a large audio amp, known as "line-level", whose reference level is 1V RMS into a 1K Ohm load. Turntables and microphones are two common small amplitude audio sources that can require (depending on the turntable and microphone) a preamp. Hope that helps.

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