• The correct answer is, Yes, because he became man. Jesus is both God and man, fully divine and fully human. So, Jesus has human emotions: joys, desires, fears, sadnesses, and so on. The Christian faith holds that Jesus is one divine person but with two natures, human and divine. I do not wish here to examine in detail this central dogma (since I will concentrate on the question of whether God has emotions in his divine nature), but briefly the following should be said. A person is an intelligent and free subject of actions, a morally responsible agent. A nature is the intrinsic source of characteristic actions, that by which or with which one acts. In Christ, the one who acts is God himself, so he is a divine person. But Christ can act by his divine nature or by his human nature (or by both). Thus, after the Incarnation, literally, God does suffer as we suffer, he does have emotions as we have emotions, since it is the person who has the emotions, even though he has these emotions by his human nature.
  • God does have emotions but they are not the same as human emotions. His emotions exist to a greater degree than they do for us. We are created in His image and so have the same emotions He has.
  • Yes, and they are perfectly balanced by each other. He has pefect love, balanced with justice. He will never let his love for mankind exceed a need for judicial punishment. He has perfect hate, balanced with love, mercy and justice. He hates what is bad, but extends forgiveness for those who repent, and extends adequate judgement for those who don't. His love extends the mercy of forgiveness. He has perfect jelousy as he demands exclusive devotion, but allows mankind to make the choice on their own using their free will. We as imperfect humans find these difficult to understand and master, but definitely worthy of imitation.
  • Yes, I do.
  • The answer to this question depends entirely upon which god you mean, and the individual views of god. A deist will likely answer no. A Christian will likely answer yes.
  • yea, how can you create if you don't feel?
  • According to the Bible he does. It has always seemed contradictory to me that God could be this all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe on the one hand, yet susceptible to emotions on the other hand. Seems more plausible that these emotions we imagine God to have are just a projection of our own selves.

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