• OK I'm not cheating, just trying to remember so let me know if I'm wrong. Meiosis is the spliting in half of genetic code that occurs with sex cells and mitosis is the cell division for growth? I'm going to go and look it up now...
  • There are many differences between meiosis and mitosis. Mitosis has 1 division,in prophase: the chromosomes do not associate w/ each other, in metaphase the identical chromosomes are arranged on either side of the equator, in anaphase the centrome splits and the chromotids seperate. In telophase the cell divides and you have 2 daughter cells with the same number of chromsomes. Meiosis on the other hand has 2 divisions. In Prophase I, the homologs pair up next to each other. In Metaphase I, the pair of homologs line up next to each other on the equator. In Anaphase I, the chromotids stay joined together and they seperate to each end of the cell. In Telophase the cells divide and the cells have half the number of chromosomes. Then another division follows which is Meiosis II. It goes through the same steps except you end up w/ 4 haploid cells which are cells with only one set of chromosomes.
  • I have seen this asked before and I thought "why not research it on Google?" so now I have said it. "don't give a man a fish, teach him how to get his own fish"
  • Try this website :)
  • mitosis: cell division: the process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells, each of which has the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. See also meiosis (sense 1) [Late 19th century. < Greek mitos "thread"] Biology a type of cell division in which daughter cells have the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus. a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus meiosis: process of cell division: in organisms that reproduce sexually, a process of cell division during which the nucleus divides into four nuclei, each of which contains half the usual number of chromosomes. Same as litotes [Mid-16th century. < modern Latin< Greek meiōn "less"] 1 Biology a type of cell division that results in daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. Compare with MITOSIS. 2 another term for LITOTES. 1 : the presentation of a thing with underemphasis especially in order to achieve a greater effect : understatement 2 : the cellular process that results in the number of chromosomes in gamete-producing cells being reduced to one half and that involves a reduction division in which one of each pair of homologous chromosomes passes to each daughter cell and a mitotic division
  • mitosis consists of 1 stage. Meiosis has 2 stages. mitosis results in 2 diploid daughter cells. meiosis results in 4 haploid daughter cells. mitosis results in genetically identical cells. The daughter cells of meiosis are not genetically identical. Firstly, they consist half the number of chromosomes as the daughter cells in mitosis. Secondly, they do not have the same genetic composition. You can also list the differences in what happens during the stages. For example, in anaphase of mitosis, centromeres divide and sister chromatids are separated. In anaphase of meiosis, however, the centromeres do not divide. Instead, analogous chromosomes divide. One chromosome of each pair of analogous chromosomes move to each pole of the cell.
  • anaphase
  • Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis occurs in all eukaryotic cell tissues and produces genetically identical daughter cells with a complete set of chromosomes. In humans, mitosis produces somatic cells that are diploid, which means they contain two non-identical copies of each of the twenty-three chromosomes. One copy is derived from the person's mother and the other from the person's father. Meiosis, on the other hand, occurs only in testis and ovary tissues, producing sperm and ova (eggs). The gametes that are produced by meiosis in humans are haploid, containing only one copy of each of the twenty-three chromosomes. Because of recombination and independent assortment of parental chromosomes, the daughter cells produced by meiosis are not genetically identical. In mitosis, one round of DNA replication occurs per cell division. In meiosis, one round of DNA replication occurs for every two cell divisions. Prophase in mitosis typically takes about thirty minutes in human cells. Prophase in meiosis I can take years to complete.
  • Mitosis: One single division of the mother cell results in two daughter cells Meiosis: Two division of the mother cell result in four meiotic products Mitosis: A mitotic mother cell can be either haploid or diploid Meiosis: A meiotic mother cell is always diploid Mitosis: The number of chromosomes per nucleus remains the same after division Meiosis: The meiotic products contain a haploid number of chromosomes, in contrast to the 2 n mother cell Mitosis: Mitosis is preceeded by a S-phase in which the amount of DNA is duplicated Meiosis: Only meiosis I is preceeded by a S-phase Mitosis: Normally no pairing of homologous chromosomes Meiosis: Complete pairing of all homologous chromosomes during prophase I Mitosis: Normally no exchange of DNA (crossing-over) between chromosomes Meiosis: At least one crossing-over per homologous pair of chromosomes Mitosis: The centromeres are split during anaphase Meiosis: The centromeres do not separate during anaphase I, but during anaphase II Mitosis: the genotype of the daughter cells is identical to that of the mother cells Meiosis: Meiotic products differ in their genotype from the mother cell (increase in genetic variation in the offspring) mitosis - body cells (all except sex cells) reproducing...form diploid cells...the cells have 46 chromosomes meiosis - sex cells reproducing...form haploid cells..the cells only have 23 chromosomes Mitosis has four main stages: Prophase/Metaphase/Anaphase/Telophase Meiosis has nine main stages: Prophase I / Metaphase I / Anaphase I / Telophase I / Interphase / Prophase II / Metaphase II / Anapahse II / Telophase II
  • Mitosis results in the production of two genetically identical diploid cells,wheras meiosis produces four hploid cells.
  • In mitosis, there is only one cell division; in meiosis there are two. Also, meiosis involves the sex cells.
  • In addition to jamamiss' answer, with mitosis, the end product is two cell that each contain a complete set matching pairs of chromosomes. With meiosis, the end product is four cells each of which has just one complete set of chromosomes (i.e. no matched pairs).

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