• Yes I can. I would imagine most people can. I can also differentiate between all the neighbors dogs.
  • i can usually tell the difference with my cat. he has a certain meow for things, like when hes hungry, or he wants his little box changed or when he just wants attention. he definetly cries when we go to bed at night and shut the door. he hates it because he doesnt like to be alone haha.
  • Yes I can... or I could while he was alive.
  • Yes, I have two cats and one has a higher pitch than the other.
  • yes. the cat is a little more piercing than the dog but during sex the female cat can get very loud.she even sounds like a baby crying.
  • Before I had my cat spayed, it started off as a low growl and escalated to a fire engine-sounding wail. Luckily I don't have to hear that anymore, and she stays indoors.
  • My Kitty was gone and I started calling out his name and could hear a faint meow which I knew that meow among many around here - He was stuck way up in a tree and stayed there for 2 1/2 day's - He cried all through the night's while I begged him to come down - He was finally able to get down and has never visited that tree again -
  • Yep..My dog is my best friend, I can pick her out immediatly,especially if she "cries" or sounds like smething isn't right.
  • I do not allow my animals to be out roaming - ever - but when they are in the other parts of my house and one starts talking, I always know who it is. Not only by the sound but how they "speak" as well. I have one that is a yowler and one that is a chirper. The dog is easier to identify :o) Although, when the cat and dog are both snoring, I can not tell them apart!
  • No but I can usually pick out the voice of my wife when she's out and roaming. It gives me a good opportunity to get up and lock the door.

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