• Wow. You got a pretty good vertical leap there. I can't tell you for sure. Maybe with a lot of training. Just look at Spud Webb here. (He's 5'7")
  • In order to dunk a basketball, you will need to gain about 12" - 14" of vertical leap. It's possible but unlikely that you could train enough in one summer to make that kind of gain. There are many exercise programs that can help with this, but it takes some time. I think a more realistic time frame would be 6 months to 1 year. Look up information on plyometric exercises, such as this link You might also consider investing in a product like Strength Shoes, which I found helped me with my explosiveness Good luck
  • yea you can gain enough vertical in a summer a guy at my school got the shoes that are for gaining vertical leap and he can dunk and hes about 5'7 he just wore the shoes while he was refereeing rec games and he did it that way.

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