• You can extract 35 kg of salt from one cubic metre of water. Since there are 1,000 litres in a cubic metre, it would be 35/1000 kg of salt, or 35 grams of salt.
  • It depends on where you take the sea water from. Different parts of the ocean have different levels of salt, such as the Red Sea, which has more salt than any where else in the ocean. Factoid#20 - The Great Salt Lake in Utah is saltier than anywhere in the ocean and the only salt lake. It contains so much salt that a person can not sink.
  • See the following site for a discussion of seawater composition:
  • it is only land locked water that has different levels of salt.
  • ocean water is roughly 3.5% salt by mass, since 1 leter of water weighs (has a mass of) 1000 grams ad 3.5% (the math is slightly flawed but by a degree only a math nerd would notice... I have taken a test where the "correct" answer was more flawed.)

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