• The World's Largest Horse ever recorded was a Shire gelding named Samson, bred by Thomas Cleaver of Toddington Mills, England. Foaled in 1846, this horse measured 21.2 1/2 hand high ( 7 ft. 2 inches) in 1850, and weighed 3,360 pounds.Samson is also recorded as the "HEAVIEST" horse weighing 1524 kg (3360 lbs.)
  • Samson
  • not sure bout the largest horse but the largest amount of horse dropping is surely in my stable every morning at 6 am.
  • The World's Largest Horse ever recorded was a Shire gelding named Samson, bred by Thomas Cleaver of Toddington Mills, England. Foaled in 1846, this horse measured 21.2 1/2 hand high ( 7 ft. 2 inches) in 1850, and weighed 3,360 pounds.Samson is also recorded as the "HEAVIEST" horse weighing 1524 kg (3360 lbs.)

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