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  • I read on the internet, that drinking at least 4 oz of pure cranberry juice can help. Also eating yogurt and drinking milk.
  • Definitely do the pure cranberry juice. It should take about two days before you feel some relief. Yogurt is also a good option, but make sure it is plain yogurt. I know, it doesn't taste so good without sugar, but the bacteria feeds off of sugar so stay away from it. This is also why you need pure cranberry juice and not like a cranberry juice mix. You should also just stay away from sugar in general for a couple of days. Oh, and drink plenty of water. Hang in there.
  • The best cure for BV is a doctor's prescription of either a pill or a cream. But as previously said by a few others cranberry juice daily at at least four ounces can help. Also, vitamins such as Echinea, Garlic, and Vitamin C will help fight off infection and keep it away if continued!
  • if you already have it you will need to purchase a cream from the drug store. the other suggestions are very good for prevention only, they very rarely help well once you are suffering from it, or it takes several days to kick in. if you can stand the pain and discomfort, then go the juice and yoghurt, put the relief was you get the cream is unbelievable!
  • It would be cheaper and faster relief to buy the cream. Take all the cranberry juice and yoghurt nothing in them will hurt and they will help some people but a prescription would be the best and fastest method .
  • Cranberry juice is great only if its unsweetened, which is hard to find in some areas. Cranberry juice "cocktail" or the "100% juice" ones that contain grape juice to sweeten the sour cranberry taste are NOT a good idea (ever.) Yogurt is also helpful IF it is unsweetened and has live cultures - meaning it is NOT pasteurized and NOT flavored (even vanilla, which some people inexplicably believe is not a flavor!) A garlic pessary can also work wonders. But most importantly, if natural remedies do not eliminate the symptoms, see a midwife or nurse practitioner or ob/gyn. It's not worth letting it go. Also, you should really be seen for a follow-up test even if the symptoms go away. Bacterial infections are not something you want to take lightly.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis and yeast infections or thrush are not the same thing. Google it.
  • I get BV on a fairly regualar basis. My Dr. has given me refills on the cream so I cand go pick it up when I first show sings of a BV infection. I recomend talking to you Dr about doing this for you if you get it often. Until you can see your Dr take a shalow bath (enought to cover the vagina)in Water and Vinigar. I found it helped alevate the symtoms.
  • I purchased refrigerated capsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus from my local natural foods store. It's the same "healty bacteria" that's in yogurt. I used them as vaginal suppositories - 2 the first night and then one as I felt necessary. I was very surprised that it worked so quickly - I felt relief within 24 hours! When I was treated a few months ago, I was perscribed Flagyl which is a heavy-duty antibiotic and it took nearly 2 days to feel any relief. Anyway, I hope you try it and I hope it works for you.
  • luci337 is right. Check this link.
  • Don't treat it with yogurt. While the yogurt/yeast infection connection is known far and wide, realize that yeast infection is only one type of vaginitis and yogurt may not be the cure. "Some women try to treat vaginitis with a tampon dipped in yogurt," says Doughty, "but if the infection is bacterial, it'll grow like crazy when it comes in contact with yogurt."
  • keep in mind that this is a bacterial infection..much,much different from a yeast infection. bacterial infections are cured by antibitoics. Flagyl is the antibiotic of choice for this infection. I'm sorry to tell you that many home remedies do not work for this infection...they can make the symptoms seem to abate..but they will not make the infection go away.
  • LadyBalance is a vaginal tablet, that gives relief for unpleasant fishy smell within 12 h. It can (and must) be used whenever there is a need. It is natural, safe and without complications - except for some discharge. The product is accepted as a hygiene product in Denmark, UK and Norway, while US has deemed it a drug thereby not allowing direct sale. Information and sale on Best regards Inge Dorthe
  • Grapefruit seed extract douche. 10-20 drops diluted in 2 cups of water. I had BV 4 years ago, tried it, and it WORKED!!! I recently acquired BV again (I believe from switching sex partners) and went to the doctor. She prescribed me Flagyl. I decided to try Grapefruit seed extract again instead. Immediately the odor had gone away. I had my doctor to test me again for BV (one week later), and it was GONE. Definitely the answer to your question.
  • I have been taking 2 acidophilus pills a day and drinking cass clay acidophilus low fat milk with every meal.Also I take a 2 Folic acid pills a day. Seems to be helping
  • I went to the ER for BV. I've had it forever. The smell comes and goes. It absolutely drives me nuts. Last time I spent nearly $100 on medicine and it didn't clear it; that's antibiotics! So, he told me to try the yogurt inserts. I'm going to use a turkey baster and insert 2 tablespoons daily for a week. If that doesn't work then I'm going to try the vinegar douche. If that doesn't work then I'll try the grapefruit seed extract douche. I saw my Primary Doctor about it and he said that it is just something to do with the PH balance and I'll have to figure out a way to fix it on my own or try the antibiotics again. I'm willing to try anything before wasting another $100.
  • Using Tea Tre Oil in your bath water along with apple cider vinegar. Garlic and a plain yogurt on a tampon in your vagina.
  • I'm glad it's getting sorted that BV and Thrush are 2 completely different conditions.. Antibiotics work for BV, but may also CAUSE thrush, as antibiotics (literal translation - 'against life') will kill ALL bacteria, BAD AND GOOD!! Thus leading to a higher susceptability of thrush. Keep this in mind.. I have suffered from both. Really horrible, gets you down. Hydrogen peroxide as a douche works really well(make sure it's diluted well), along with taking a good pro-biotic to balance out your bacteria - the higher the nuber of bacteria the better. I've also heard folic acid supplements may help as well, but have not tried this. And I know this is not the topic of conversation but VINEGAR has been my saviour for treating thrush. Use it well diluted as a wash, and also put some on a tampon and insert for 10 mins. It's given me far more relief than the creams available (and cheaper too!)
  • I have been getting bv on and off for a few years now. My doctor prescribes me antibiotics and it goes away but returns weeks later. It was so annoying. I have been researching on what many people have been using. I started folic acid bc I hear it works wonders, it didnt work. I continued to research and figured out you need to take about 1000mg of folic acid along with 1-2 acidophilus a day. I think it depends on the person. I started on the first 2days...3folic acids and 2 acidohilus, once in morning and then at nite and also ate activia yogurt once a day and 1 garlic pill a day. The following days I think I cut down to 2-3 folic acids 2xs a day along with activia yogurt oh and 1 vitamin of b6 a day and just started a multivitamin. The smell and discharge was gone on the 2nd day. I was shock and still keep waiting for a smell but nothing. I hope this continues to work. It has been 6days and Im still good. I did hear you have to keep taking acidophilus. I am going to gradually cut down but continue taking all of the above. I may go down to 1 folic acid with a multivitamin and 1 b6. The b6 helps produce new cells I heard. Good luck and I think this will help you too.I have tried less folic acid before and it didnt help. There is also medicated douche with ph balance but it gave me a yeast helped others I heard.
  • Probiotics. My sister used boric acid she puts it up there in a dipository and says it works faster than anythig else. Its just an imbalance of bacteria. The things us women have to go through. Good luck.
  • i ordered suppositories online that are made specifically for BV. they are made out of the "good bacteria" that you need and garlic. i used it for four days and it was gone since the second day. i was also taking pills that say they are made to help with the vaginal bacteria and i cut down on sugar, yeast products, i haven't drank any alcohol or cheese... i continue to take the oral pills everyday and it hasn't been back so far this month but we'll see if it comes back after my period. (i had used the metro gel that seemed to lessen the symptoms but it came right back even stronger after my period)
  • an antibiotic is first on list.
  • You can get rid of BV by avoiding certain practices common to most of us women and when you apply home remedies,you need the right combination applied the right way. This is what has helped me get rid of chronic BV: Good luck!
  • Hi there, I had bv for a long time...n it was really bad.....but i am extremely happy to say that now its been completely cured... as i had read in a lot of articles that yogurt, curd, buttermilk contain probiotics that help body regain its natural microbial flora, I increased my daily buttermilk intake...thus, i recommend a glass of buttermilk, per day for getting rid of bv.... If you do not get ready buttermilk, you just have to take two spoons of yogurt, mix well and add drinking water to make a glass full of buttermilk.. This is really an effective way, rather than taking tablets and other medications.
  • I am shocked at some of the answers given on this page. I am a health care provider, and I also have had BV a number of times, so I know what works and what doesn't. Keep in mind that everyone's body is different, and some things may work for one person and not the other. I would like to start off by saying that taking a bath is NOT a good idea. I noticed that someone suggested that. Also, cranberry juice is not a particularly effective idea for treating BV. It may relieve symptoms related to urinary tract infections but it does not relieve or cure any symptoms of BV. BV usually occurs when there are more bad bacteria than good. Our body needs lactobacillus, and if other bacteria such as gardenella (related to BV) are in greater concentration than lactobacillus this imbalance may cause BV. I would also like to clear up that BV is not particular harmful to the body. The body will usually sort out the imbalance with time. The reason why we treat this type of infection is because of the unpleasant symptoms that come along with it, not because it is fatal or harmful to the body. Some people mentioned that you should not leave it untreated and you should see a physician immediately - this is not true. You may see a physician if you would like to get prescribed anti-biotics such as Flagyl to treat the infection. This is however a very harsh medication. I do not personally recommend it. If you prefer home remedies you can try to cut out sugars and carbs (such as white breads) from you diet until the symptoms subside, you can also consume yogurts with active bacteria cultures such as lactobacillus, or you can by lactobacillus (or acidophillus) from a local health food store (try to buy something with 12 billion cultures or more) I hope this information helps. And for anyone reading, please do not fret. Bacteria Vagninosis is quite common amongst women. It is not harmful, but I agree, it is unpleasant. Try some of the home remedies I mentioned, if the infection still persists you can see a physician for a prescribed anti-biotic.
  • Flagyl didn't work, even after an extended five day refill. Did, however, cause a concurrent yeast infection. Yogurt tampons don't work, and excessive yogurt curdled (cottage cheese). Folic acid overdose (400 mcg, 3 times a day) did't work. Even after two weeks. Garlic didn't work; just made area and discharge smell like garlic for two days. Couldn't stand the thought of trying it a second night in a row. The first time I got BV (when I was a virgin, so don't think I keep getting it from STDs or semen), my doctor prescribed clindamycin (generic Cleocin) pills, and it worked. It made my stool loose and gave me gas while I was on it, but that stopped as soon as the pills ran out. I told this to the last doctor, but he prescribed Flagyl instead. Doctors are f'ing idiots who only want to make money through repeat visits. I'm going to buy some clindamycin online through a pharmacy that doesn't require a prescription. F* doctors.
  • I really don't know much about the illness you mentioned, but I've read that alot of "personal" infections are caused by your ph balance being messed up. Phisoderm soap balances the ph level of your skin, maybe you should try that.

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