• I'm fairly certain that no one even knows what causes epileptic seizures. Therefore, a true cure is not even in the works. Tru_Nstincts: painful answer [ ] If I'm going to get a low mark, it should be because I didn't answer the question correctly, not because the answer is "painful." Epileptic seizures are caused by a sudden, brief interruption in the way the brain is working. This is caused by a change in the electrical activity of the brain (how the brain sends messages to the body). What happens to a person during an epileptic seizure depends on where this change in activity is in the brain. This may affect the person's awareness and their behaviour. Taken from: But what causes the change in brain activity? *** Epilepsy is a physical condition that starts in the brain - a neurological condition. It is a symptom that the way a person's brain works is sometimes disrupted. When this happens, a person may suddenly have a seizure. Many people will have a single seizure at some time in their lives, but this does not mean that they have epilepsy. If a person has epilepsy it means they have had more than one seizure that began in the brain. What causes epilepsy? Anyone can develop epilepsy; it occurs in all ages, races and social classes. The reasons why some people develop epilepsy are not straightforward and there are many possible causes. Whatever the reason, a person's seizure threshold will play a key role. From: What causes the disruption? The quote above asks the question, "What causes epilepsy?" But then doesn't answer its own question. *** Below are the "causes" of epilepsy. Note that the explanation doesn't really explain what causes the seizures. It's very much like saying, car accidents are caused by one or more cars being in the wrong place without ansering such questions as: Why are they in the wrong place? How did they get to the wrong place? What is the definition of "wrong place"? Possible causes The causes of epilepsy can be put into three different groups. Each group includes a number of different types of seizure. Symptomatic epilepsy When there is a known cause for a person's epilepsy starting it is called symptomatic epilepsy. The reasons can include head injury, infections of the brain such as meningitis, a stroke, or because of a scar on the brain. Images from scans of the brain may show what the cause is. The response to drug treatment can vary from person to person. [Not everyone who has had meningitis or a stroke or has a brain scar has epilepsy. Why is it that some do and some do not? No one knows.] Idiopathic epilepsy In this type of epilepsy, there is no clear cause for the seizures suddenly starting. It is thought having a low seizure threshold could be the reason. The person usually has no other disabilities. The response to epilepsy drug treatment is usually good. [But no one knows why the person has epilepsy.] Cryptogenic epilepsy When it is not clear if epilepsy is symptomatic or idiopathic a person may be told that they have cryptogenic epilepsy. Unlike idiopathic epilepsy, it is not thought to have started because of a low seizure threshold. It's suspected that there is a physical reason that has yet to be found. [Again, the cause of epilepsy is unknown.] It's not my fault that no one knows what causes epilepsy.
  • Put into a search engine(ie. google) these words: Edgar Cayce epilepsy . Then read all you can. After reading all I could I found he said that epilepsy though caused by many sources have most often been found (idiopathic and some(most) with known causes) to have a basic commonality amongst the victims. Almost 100% of cases were found to have adhesions in the lacteal ducts (three finger widths to the right of your belly button.)-the cure he gave for the lacteal adhesions was to take a flannel cloth soaked with warm castor oil and place it three finger widths to the right of the belly button for an hour, then message LIGHTLY the area when done.(he said do this for five days in a row, then stop for 5 days, and reapeat the course once or twice.) and most cases also had mis-alignment of the spine (and were recomended to have a course of adjustments-by a nuropath or osteopath NOT A CHIROPRACTOR)-perhaps due to them being more concerned about the nerves! Also recomended was to ELIMINATE sugars from the diet, and fats, red meats, all hog meat!, and to take alkaline building foods such as vegitables, and fruits (fruits for breakfast without other things is most alkalizing to the system even though they are acidic they leave an alkaline ash) - see this link to one of the 196 readings on epilepsy that Edgar Cayce gave. one reading said "When there are the tendencies for seizures, apply ice or very cold water to the back of the brain, or to the back of the neck, close with the 1st and 2nd cervical." [543-30] often times he said to adjust the 1st and 2nd cervical, and the coxcic(spelled?) area. I think his use of passion flower (only a few drops in each day) was like taking dilantin or the like, although he spoke of the pineal gland as being involved with this use. Most people had some problem that manifested in the base of the brane that would clear up from his treatments. He also recomended the use of an electric battery to be alternated from one ankle to the other and the oposite wrist (and stressed the contacts to be maticulously cleaned!!! each time). You must see exactly how he said to make the battery (radiac) as he called it. Remember Edgar Cayce was a man who when hypnotized was able to teach doctors about diseases they had no idea how to cure. Simply facinating! Key in his name, and what ever diseas name you want to find out about.. ie Edgar Cayce Multiple Sclerosis etc.. and be amazed! Why don't medical doctors tell people about this information? (some do.) He said he gets it from the "universal conciousness". Cayce was given an honerary doctorate from some university as they recognized he was right on! I am not a doctor, nor was Edgar Cayce, but doctors went to Cayce when they were at a loss because he was proven to 'know'. He was the first to say to put a pin in a broken bone (knee). We are through
  • Much more can be done to control epilepsy than before. 60% of people with epilepsy are able to keep it under control with medication. The other 40% of us have other options. There's the Ketogenic diet, VNS, and surgery. The Ketogenic diet is a diet that is high in fat but low in protein and carbohydrates. This forces the body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy and create a new chemical state. The VNS is a small generator implanted into the upper left area of the chest. It has a wire that runs to the vagus nerve which is in the back of the neck. This device is best for patients with partial seizures because they experience a warning before the seizure. When they feel the warning they wave a magnet over the area where VNS is implanted. Often this enables them to stop a seizure from taking place. Surgery is the final alternative. When a patient has tried several medications without successful results, surgery may be a good thing to try. Surgery most successfully treats focal seizures (simple and complex partial). This is because they are triggered from a single area of the brain. Tests are ran to pin point the exact area. If it is not on top of memory, functional or motor skills then it is safe to remove. This usually will eliminate the seizures entirely. It did for me. I have been seizure free for 20 months and am off of all medication. If you are having trouble with uncontrolled epilepsy, I strongly consider talking to your neurologist about surgery. It was the best choice I have ever made. To the best of luck to all!!
  • I believe the Montreal Neurological HospitalHospitalhas done some groundbreaking surgiary in this field with success.
  • No. The causes are still largely unknown.

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