  • The key difference between fire-retardant and flame-resistant material is that one will continue to burn while the other is designed to self-extinguish.

    Fire Retardant

    Fire-retardant material is designed to deter fire from spreading. When the material comes in contact with a small ignition source, such as a candle, the material will slow down combustion and often prevent the fire from spreading. This makes it easier to extinguish and may allow the fire to burn out on its own before consuming more material.

    Flame Resistant

    Flame-resistant material also deters fire from spreading but also resists ignition. Flame-resistant material will not continue to burn once the fire source is removed. The material will self-extinguish.

    Significant Differences

    Fire-retardant material is used to slow down the spread of fire where flame-resistant material may actually stop the spread of fire. There is no "fireproof" material, but flame-resistant is closer to being "fireproof" than fire-retardant material is.


    Fire-retardant material is often used in children's sleepwear, bedding, carpet and numerous plastics that are used every day. Flame-resistant material is used in high-heat, high-risk situations such as firefighting, welding and working in the oil industry.

    Creation & Regulation

    These materials are made resistant or retardant by treating them with chemicals. Each material is treated differently depending upon its intended use. The National Fire Protection Association has developed a series of ratings and testing that materials must undergo before they can be deemed fire-retardant or flame-resistant.


    Automotive Work Wear



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