• For sufferers of heartburn or acid reflux disease, diet modification can be an effective treatment. Knowing which foods can trigger acid reflux--and those least likely to cause symptoms--is a first step in controlling the disease.

    No-Risk Foods

    Food that offer virtually no risk of acid reflux include apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots and peas; extra-lean beef, egg whites and substitutes, fish, skinless chicken breasts and feta or fat-free cream or soy cheeses; and multi-grain or corn bread, oatmeal, and brown or white rice.

    Low-Risk Foods

    Lower-risk food options for those with acid reflux disease include peaches, berries, grapes, leeks and cooked onions; lean beef, chicken salad, scrambled eggs and ham; yogurt, low-fat milk and low-fat cottage and mozzarella cheeses; and low-fat muffins and granola.

    High-Risk Foods

    Acid reflux sufferers should avoid acidic foods, such as oranges, lemons and tomatoes, as well as products that contain them, such as citrus juices and tomato salsa. Additionally, chocolate, mint, high-fat sweets, spicy foods and raw onions may worsen acid reflux.

    Know Your Triggers

    Dr. Andrew Weil recommends keeping a food diary so that you can identify foods that trigger acid reflux symptoms. Just because a food may be considered low risk, if it causes heartburn for you, avoid it.

    Other Recommendations

    WebMD recommends eating smaller, more frequent meals. Eliminate coffee, alcohol and carbonated beverages from your diet, and do not eat for several hours before bedtime.


    WebMD: Treating Acid Reflux Disease

    Dr. Weil: Acid Reflux

    Acid Reflux Diet Help

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