• Eye floaters can be a nuisance, but they are not usually a serious medical problem. Floaters may appear to look like cobwebs, specks or dark spots inside the eye.

    Loose Vitreous

    Floaters are small pieces of vitreous loose in the eye. The vitreous is the gel-like substance that fills the center of the eye. The actual pieces of vitreous cannot be seen, but the shadows of the vitreous are visible.

    Thinning Vitreous

    Vitreous becomes thin as a person ages. This thinning creates a watery-like texture. It is the undissolved particles that appear to be floating in the eye.

    Bright Light

    Looking at bright light, a television or a computer screen can cause the floaters to be more visible.


    While floaters appear to be drifting across the eye, floaters move with the eye.

    Serious Medical Conditions

    It is important to note that when there is a sudden burst of floaters and light flashes, there may be a serious medical problem. This bombardment of floaters can be caused by the retina detaching from the back of the eye, or by the vitreous tearing away from the retina.


    Eye Floaters Flashers and Spots


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