• Worms on lemon trees come in several shapes and sizes, ranging from the orange dog caterpillar to citrus leaf miners. There are just as many choices of natural and biological remedies to kill the worms.

    Avoid Toxic Sprays

    Chemical pesticides will kill worms on lemon trees, but many of them contain toxins that will make the fruit inedible. Homemade worm killers and biological and organic remedies work just as well.

    Horticultural Oil

    Horticultural oil, which can be purchased at any garden center, suffocates insects and disrupts the metabolism of insect eggs. It interrupts the feeding cycles of aphids, which stops them from transmitting plant viruses. It isn't harmful to people, and it dissipates quickly. Following the label directions is essential because it can harm beneficial insects as well.

    Biodegradible Remedies

    Home and gardening sections of chain stories and plant nurseries also carry biological insecticides such as Dipel Dust & Spray or Thuricide. They biodegrade quickly and are harmless to people and friendly insects.

    Homemade Solutions

    Ingredients that can be found in most kitchen cabinets can also be used to kill worms on lemon trees. Mix 2 cups of warm water with 3 tsp. of one of these common kitchen items: pepper, tobacco sauce, chili powder or cayenne pepper. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and shake it. Spray the mixture directly on the worms and the plant leaves. Grinding fresh hot peppers into a liquid and spraying it on worms from a spray bottle will also work.

    Garlic Works

    Garlic will also kill and repel worms. Mix 2 cups of water with 3 tsp. of garlic powder or fresh garlic blended into a liquid. Spray the mixture onto worms and plant leaves. Repeat as needed.


    UC Pest Management Guidelines

    Plant Bugs and Pests

    Products That Keep Worms Or Bugs Away

    More Information:

    Plant Care

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