• EPDM (ethylene propylene diene Monomer) and natural rubber are both types of rubber that are raw materials that are used to make numerous products. There are several differences between the two, which affects how they are best used.

    Natural Rubber

    Natural rubber is made primarily from the resins of the rubber tree, although it is also mixed with a few chemicals to make it usable.


    EPDM is a synthetic rubber, which means it is made completely out of man-made chemicals or compounds.


    Natural rubber is very resilient and has good tensile strength. EPDM has slightly less resilience and tensile strength.

    Outdoor Applications

    EPDM is often used in outdoor applications because it's resistant to ozone, oxidants and severe weather conditions. Natural rubber is usually not recommended for outdoor applications.


    EPDM is not a good electrical insulator while natural rubber is an excellent insulator.


    ACME Rubber: EPDM

    ACME Rubber: Natural Rubber

    ASHI Reporter: Understanding and inspecting EPDM roofing

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