• Making your own business cards allows you creativity as well as the ability to make changes as needed without having to contact an outside vendor. It can also save you money by not having to pay the hefty prices charged by printing services. There are a couple easy ways to create business cards on your computer.

    Create Business Cards in Word

    Creating and printing business cards in a Word document is the easiest option. First, you will want to choose the type of business card to use. Avery is one of the best and easiest to come by, and Microsoft Word offers templates to match their products. When selecting your Avery business cards, be sure to choose the kind that matches your type of printer. For instance, if you have an ink jet printer, choose cards that are designed for such a printer, otherwise they won't print correctly. If you have an ink-jet printer and want a white, 2-by-3.5-inch cards with information printed on both sides, the Avery template 8371 would be an appropriate choice. Open Microsoft Word. Go to Tools, then "Letters and mailings," then "Envelopes and labels." Select "Labels." Under Label Products, choose "Avery Standard." Choose number 8371. Select "New Document." A template page will appear. Design the card to your liking. Include a picture of your business logo if you have one. Include your company name, your name and position, address, phone number and email address, along with any other pertinent information. You can also include a picture of yourself. Arrange the placement of the information to your liking. Another good option is to include appointment information on the back of the card, if this would be applicable to your business. You may or may not be able to copy and paste the information from one space to another if you have inserted pictures and other graphics. If this is the case, you will have to recreate the information in each individual space. Once you are finished with the creation, save the document to a file on your computer so that you will have it for future use. Insert sheets of blank business cards into your printer and begin printing. It may be a good idea to run one test page to make sure everything looks good.

    Business Card Software

    If designing business cards in Word is not to your liking, you can also try using business card software such as Avanquest Business Card Factory Deluxe. It offers thousands of card templates that you can edit with your information. You can use Avery business card stock when you're ready to print.


    Avery Business Cards

    Avanquest Business Card Factory Deluxe

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