• Insulin resistance occurs when the body fails to utilize insulin properly, which results in excess glucose in the blood. It's important to manage this condition because if it is left untreated, it can lead to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and an increased risk of heart disease. While there's no cure for diabetes, you can manage and reverse the severity of insulin-resistance by following a few important steps.

    Improve Your Diet

    Controlling your diet is essential for reversing insulin-resistant diabetes. You must eat in a way that balances your blood sugar. Whole, fresh foods high in fiber are healthy choices. Choosing colorful fruits and vegetables low in sugar ensures a low glycemic load. Broccoli is a better choice than ice cream because ice creams causes a sugar spike whereas the body digests broccoli correctly. It's also important to select antioxidants and foods that detoxify your body. Include omega-3 fatty acids along with beans, nuts and seeds. Combine a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Drink green tea. Avoid processed foods, canned fruits that might have extra sugar, and artificial sweeteners because they offer no nutritional value for your body. Eat every four hours to keep levels normal. It's also important to take any supplements recommended by your physician.

    Increase Physical Activity

    Exercise is also an important aspect of reversing your condition. In fact, exercise is the most important element of controlling diabetes, according to the American Council on Exercise. Exercise decreases insulin resistance, and cells react better with insulin and glucose after exercise. If you are overweight, every 10 pounds of weight you lose improves insulin sensitivity by 20 percent, reports ACE. Engage in 20 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three to four days per week. Work with weights at least twice per week and practice flexibility exercises 2 to 3 days per week. Add more physical activity to your days when you can by walking more and taking the stairs instead of taking an elevator.

    Test Your Blood Sugar

    Controlling your blood sugar is critical. Many meters are available over-the-counter and your physician will recommend how many times you should test your levels. You must test your levels regularly to know if you need to adjust your diet or exercise regimen. Check at the same time each day and keep a record of your levels so you can plan your diet and exercise accordingly. Keep your records and show them to your physician so he or she can help you if you are experiencing complications.


    National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes

    American Council on Exercise: Exercise and Type II Diabetes

    American Diabetic Association: Be Active

    More Information:

    Healthier Talk: Reversing Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

    Dr. Furman: Reverse Disease Through Nutrition

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