• The human body is 45 percent protein, but it cannot manufacture it by itself; protein must be replenished daily through food. The kidneys filter out proteins and other nutrients from the blood for absorption by the body.


    Proteins also help the body fight disease and keep the right amount of fluids circulating through the bloodstream. Healthy kidneys will filter about 200 quarts of blood per day, maintain the proper chemical balance in the body and send proteins where they need to go.


    The kidneys need protein to function properly as well. A study published in 1996 in Kidney International found that kidney function for subjects on low protein diets (0.28 g/kg body weight/day) was 28 percent less than those on normal protein level diets (1.3 g/kg body weight/day).

    Base Line

    Proteins cannot be stored by the body; the kidneys maintain appropriate protein levels, discarding any excess. Normal levels of protein that the kidneys release through urine are less than 100 to 150 mg/day.

    Problem Indicators

    Microalbuminuria is evidenced by high protein levels in the urine (approximately 200 mg/day). This means that the kidneys are not working properly and are eliminating too much protein instead of passing it through the bloodstream.

    Warning Signs

    Protein levels of 2,000 to 4,000 mg/day indicates proteinuria, which is the first stage of kidney disease.


    National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse

    Diabetes Network

    Kidney International

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