• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Filters Improve Signal Quality

    Digital subscriber line, or DSL, filters remove the high frequency noise and interference caused by your phone equipment. The filters are placed between the telephone or fax machine and the wall. They keep the telephone signal and the DSL signal separate so you can talk on the phone and use the Internet at the same time.

    On the Other: They Aren't Strictly Necessary

    The DSL and telephone signals use different frequency ranges so they can use the phone line at the same time. Technically, a filter isn't needed. Not using a filter can cause static on a phone line. It can also cause the DSL signal to attenuate, which lowers connection quality.

    Bottom Line

    DSL filters aren't strictly necessary, but in order to have the best connections for both phone conversations and Internet connectivity, they are highly recommended. Since the filters come with the DSL installation kits, there is no reason not to use them.

    Source: DSL Filters Explained How to Use DSL Filters

    More Information: DSL Installation

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