• The sciatic nerve is the nerve formed by the nerve roots that come out of the spinal cord and go into the lower back. The sciatic nerve branches off and extends through the buttocks and down the back of the legs into the feet and ankles.

    The Sciatic Nerve

    The sciatic nerve is not only the longest nerve in the body, it is the largest nerve. The sciatic nerve is three quarters of an inch in diameter. The sciatic nerve and its branches allow movement and feeling in the thigh, calf, knee, ankle, feet and toes.


    When the sciatic nerve becomes injured or inflamed, pain is felt in the buttocks or back. Pain can spread down the leg and into the foot. The person might experience weakness, tingling or a numbing sensation. These symptoms are known as sciatica.


    Treatments for sciatica depend on what is causing the inflammation. Medications, use of a heating pad and even physical therapy are all options.

    Sciatic Nerve Conditions

    Other conditions that can cause sciatica include spinal stenosis, which is narrowing of the spinal canal, bone spurs or a pinched nerve. In some cases, pregnancy or a tumor can cause sciatic pain.


    Activities such as sitting or standing for long time periods can aggravate the sciatic nerve. People can alternating walking with lying down and avoid sitting to relieve symptoms of some sciatic nerve pain.


    Spine Universe: Sciatic Nerve

    WebMD: Sciatica

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