• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: All Scanning Software Will Affect Speed

    Avast, like any other spyware remover or virus scanning program, will affect your computer's speed. When running, Avast systematically scans your system, comparing files with a database of known dangerous programs. This process unavoidably decreases your computer's speed.

    On the Other: It Can be Worked Around

    Most malware-treatment software has options that enable the user to decide when to scan for malicious software. Since the scanning process is the only procedure that gives computer efficiency a noticeable knock, many people schedule scans to run automatically late at night or on weekends. Avast has the unique feature of running whenever your computer switches to screen saver.

    Bottom Line

    Virus protection is important if you want to avoid identity theft and data loss. The good news is that Avast uses very little memory when running in the background. On all but the oldest computers, you wouldn't even notice that it's there. When it does the heavy scanning, it can wait until you're not using your computer, so the lag won't affect you.



    Whirlpool: Avast Screen Saver Option

    CNet: Avast Free Antivirus 5.0.377

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