• depends on the person, i have a laptop and a netbook
  • no laptop just an iMac
  • No. Only my phone.
    • Anonymous
      Really & you are a 'leader' must be a big phone. My phone is not good enough to ever use for AB. thanx
    • Linda Joy
      Nope. My screen is smaller than my driver's license.
  • From your selection: a computer 🖥. I have no need for a laptop. I use an iPhone with high speed internet when I'm away from home.
  • I don’t know about everyone on Answerbag if they have a laptop or computer. It would be either one depending on the person’s possessions. I usually use my iPhone which is like a computer in a way because it is a mobile phone designed by Apple who use computers to create their products. Now and again I use my laptop to go on Answerbag.
  • I own a Laptop
  • Nope. I’m currently using my iPad (7th gen) & don’t even have access to a laptop or computer, but I might buy one someday. For now, I’m not in any hurry, though. 🙂

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