• Most of us desire a calm, peaceful environment in our homes where we can relax and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, there may be some noise pollution that is irritating and disruptive to your tranquility. A common type of noise that is disruptive is the sound of a barking dog. If you have a dog in your neighborhood that seems to bark incessantly, you may be interested in some strategies to help quiet him down.

    Befriend your Neighbor's Dog

    Make an effort to befriend your neighbor's dog in an attempt to reduce his barking tendencies. Your neighbor's dog may be barking at you and your family when you are outside in your yard, simply because you are strangers. The dog may be barking in an attempt to protect his family and property from you. Make it a point to visit your neighbor and ask if you and your children can say hello to his dog. Learn the dog's name and acknowledge him when you see him. The simple act of befriending the dog may turn you from a stranger into a friend and thus reduce his barking when you are in your yard.

    Approach your Neighbor

    Approach your neighbor about the barking. Your neighbor may be unaware of the barking, especially if the dog exhibits this behavior while his owner is away. Additionally, the owner may have learned to tune out the barking and could be unaware of the fact that it is a menace to the neighborhood. Depending on your relationship with your neighbor and your comfort level, you may choose to leave an anonymous note or speak to your neighbor face to face. If you do confront him face to face, make sure to do so in a respectable manner. Regardless of the outcome of the situation, this person will still be your neighbor and a tense conversation could lead to an uncomfortable living situation. Give your neighbor a week after you left the note or spoke to him in order to try and get the dog's barking under control before you try an alternative approach.

    Contact the Authorities

    Have an authority figure get involved if your attempts to communicate with your neighbor about his dog's barking are unsuccessful. If you live in a community with a Home Owner's Association, contact your association president or go to a board meeting. Cite your complaint and request that a formal warning be given to your neighbor about his dog. If a barking dog is a violation of your HOA's bylaws, the Association may also be able to threaten your neighbor with a fine if his dog continues to bark. If you do not have a HOA, consider contacting the authorities and citing a noise violation. In either event, a letter of warning or a visit from the police will hopefully be enough to motivate your neighbor to control his dog.

    Source: Dog Barking

    Dog names and more: Stop Neighbor's Barking Dog

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