• Similac Isomil Advance and Similac Isomil are two soy-based infant formulas produced by Abbott Nutrition. According to the Abbott Nutrition product website, there are many differences between the two products despite of their shared soy base.


    Similac Isomil is available for babies with diarrhea, according to Abbott Nutrition's product information website. The product helps relieve an upset digestive system and help the baby's body form solid stools. Similac Isomil Advance is available for babies who spit up or fuss when eating or have gas.

    Formats Available

    Abbott Nutrition offers Similac Isomil only in a 32-oz. ready-to-feed liquid format. Similac Isomil Advance is available in three sizes of ready-to-feed liquid format, four sizes of powder and one size of concentrated liquid.


    When comparing similar sizes and formats of product, Similac Isomil Advance is cheaper. According to Abbott Nutrition's online store, there is a difference of a dollar per bottle of the 32-oz. ready-to-feed liquid format of each product, whether purchased individually or in a six-bottle case.

    Retail Packaging

    A review of Abbott Nutrition's product listing for both products shows that Similac Isomil is only available in individual bottles or in cases. Similac Isomil Advance comes in single containers, multipackages, cases, cans and easy-to-mix SimplePacs.


    According to Abbott Nutrition, Similac Isomil Advance contains more B12, more niacin and more calcium than Similac Isomil. Similac Isomil Advance also contains sugar and iron.


    Abbott Nutrition: Similac Isomil Advance

    Abbott Nutrition: Similar Isomil DF

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