• As the cliché goes, men are notoriously reluctant to commit. Even when they love a woman and care deeply for her, the specter of marriage and children can freeze them in their tracks. Getting a man to commit means understanding that reluctance and approaching it with firm yet gentle pressure. Playing games or enacting Machiavellian power plays tend to make things worse. Instead, look for acts of faith and trust that allow commitment to appear naturally.

    Openness and Trust

    The single biggest fear of committing is a fear of being smothered. You can assuage those fears simply by allowing your man to trust you. Listen when he talks to you and don't criticize him when he's confiding in you. Beware of trying to solve his problems. Instead, be supportive, tell him that you're behind him 100 percent, and allow him to talk to you without feeling the need to interject. As time goes on, he'll be more willing to open up to you, giving you more opportunities to tell him you care. That helps bond the two of you, making a full-bore commitment much easier for him. (Naturally, you should expect the same openness and willingness to listen from him when you have problems; this isn't a one-way street.)

    Signs of Progress

    While you don't want to have "The Talk" with him in one fell swoop---demanding commitment is sure to drive him away---it's reasonable to expect progress as your relationship continues. When the time is right, ask for fidelity from him and offer the same in return. Get him to introduce you to his friends and ask about meeting his parents after a few months. Speak to him about moving in together after your relationship has progressed, and ask about taking vacations and other trips together. Be prepared to discuss these developments openly, but stay firm in your need for them. Think of it as eating an elephant one bite at a time rather than all at once.

    Allow a Certain Freedom

    Even the most committed couples need time to themselves every now and again. Don't feel threatened by his occasional need for a night out with the guys or for a task that doesn't involve you. Rather than viewing such occasions as a danger, quietly encourage them---within reason, of course---and let him know that you support his need to have some downtime. It helps reassure him and lets him know that you aren't a threat to his other activities. (And again, you have a reasonable right to expect the same sorts of freedoms in return.)

    Source: Ten Tips for Getting Your Man to Commit Getting a Man to Commit

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