• A permanent address is the address of the home where you live on a permanent basis. It can at times be different from the present address, which is an address you live at temporarily, such as when you are in school in a location away from home or temporarily living away from home for work. Certain forms, such as drivers license applications or student loan applications, will generally ask for your permanent address to ensure they can contact you on a more permanent basis.

    Change Permanent Address

    Go to the U.S. post office and fill out the required "Change of Address" form. This form can also be found online. Once you have changed the permanent address on file with the U.S. post office, it is your responsibility to notify the IRS and the Social Security Administration online or over the phone.

    Change of Address Forms

    Submit USPS PS Form 3575 online or in person at the post office. This form has various boxes, so when you are seeking a change in address, check the box under permanent. Individual forms have to be filled out for each member of the family, even when everyone is moving to the same address. The procedure and forms are the same for changing the address of a business (i.e. changing a commercial address).


    Change your permanent address a few weeks before you start the process of moving since it can take between two and four weeks for the records to be updated in the postal service. Print subscriptions, such as newspapers and magazines, will be delivered to the old address but will be forwarded to the new one for two months from the date of change. Mail will be delivered to the new address if they are sent to the old one, for a year. However, circulars and regular subscriptions, such as newsletters, will not be delivered to the new address. To have these delivered, you have to change the address on file.


    USPS: Change your address online Change of Address

    Social Security: Change Your Address

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