• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Works just like any other boiler

    A wet base boiler is a single-pass design boiler in which the water surrounds the device. A wet base boiler heats domestic hot water just as well as any other regular boiler, but it's unsuitable for small homes due to its size. The temperature of water heating can be controlled more accurately with this device.

    On the Other: Great Features

    It's a fact that wet base boilers have more features and advantages than any other boiler. Since they have flexible air ducts, homeowners can install a venting system more easily than with regular boilers. Therefore, the wet base boiler lifespan is longer than other boilers.

    Bottom Line

    Wet base boilers are as functional and good as any other boiler. They don't have any other special characteristic that might improve the process of water heating. It's not recommended to buy one if you have a small house (even in a bigger house, it will look overblown). It is suggested for the user to buy a dry base boiler, which has almost the same characteristics as any other boiler, and heats water just as well as a wet base boiler.


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