• Baroque, an adventure role-playing game for both the Wii and PlayStation 2 consoles, takes place in a strange world in which people are twisted by the things and names they carry. The goal for your character, known only as the Protagonist, is to regain his memories. In a unique twist, death actually progresses the story--instead of bringing it to an abrupt end. The plot of the game shows up in a series of event cut-scenes, which you unlock automatically as you meet certain in-game criteria.

    Event Unlocking

    You play as the protagonist whose memories are lost. Somehow, he seems to be familiar to all of the other characters he meets--sometimes negatively. While playing, he will see certain things that trigger "Events," unlocking the cut scene on the events menu. To get each of them, you'll have to meet certain criteria during play--and you might have to play through the game a few times before you manage to get each one. There are 24 events in total that you can discover.

    Main Events

    "Consciousness Simulation" is the first event you will unlock simply by starting the game. This should unlock "Advertisement B" and "Asymmetry" as well, but if not, try rewatching the opening movie. Before entering the Neuro Tower for the first time, talk to all of the people you can find to open the event "To the Sacred Grounds." When you complete Neuro Tower-500 on your first try, you earn "Consciousness Simulation End (Up)"; if you die, you'll earn "Consciousness Simulation End (Down)." You can unlock another death-triggered event if you repeatedly attack the Sentry Angel until he retaliates, earning you "Murdered by Sentry Angel." Meeting both of the games ladies, Alice and Eliza, opens the "The Fountain and the Girl" and "Pure Water" events, respectively. After clearing some dungeons, the Sentry Angel disappears allowing you to access the Lab, you're treated to the "You/Me (Right)" event on your first visit. To see "The Heart of 51432 (Right)," go to the bottom of Neuro Tower-1600, but don't shoot the Absolute God there; a similar thing happens when you merge with the Absolute God in either Neuro Tower-2200 or -3000 opening "The Painless Man." If you are vindictive, however, shooting the God in any of the Neuro Towers (except the -500 cubits) will open the "Reincarnation Crystal" event. When you give your Idea Sephirah to Eliza, you will see one of two "Rebirth of the Consciousness Orb" events. You can see the "Memory" event when you approach that orb. Speak to Dr. Angelicus after receiving your Sephirah to see the "Confessions of Sin" cut scene. Handing her the Angelic Rifle without once using it, and then entering the Littles Sanctuary at -2000 cubits, will reveal "The Shape of Pain." If you hand the Littles Sephirah to Alice at -2800 cubits, you will see "Together with Pain." To unlock the two "final" cut scenes, reach the Absolute God at -3900 cubits, but don't shoot her. Walk toward her instead to unlock both "God not our Lord" and the "Credits" sequence.

    Left-Side Events

    During the game, you will switch between your protagonist's main and alternate selves. Depending on which self you're using when you meet the criteria for an event, you can unlock a different version of some events, ones that use the alternate protagonist instead of the "real" protagonist. These events are "You/Me (Left)," "Heart of 51432 (Left)" and "Reincarnation Crystal (Left)." Another alternative event is the "Rebirth of Consciousness Orb." Complete this event when the room is frozen and once when defrosted for the two versions of the event.


    GameFAQs: Baroque Wii Walkthrough

    GameFAQs: Baroque FAQ

    More Information:

    Atlus: Baroque Website

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