• Although it is important to have a well-balanced workout, a weightlifter can isolate individual muscles in a healthy way. Hamstring strength is important during everyday activities, but when you are weightlifting, it is especially important to ensure your hamstrings are strong to balance out the quadriceps and avoid injury.

    As a Primary Muscle

    There are various exercises where the hamstring is the primary muscle utilized, from easiest to most difficult.


    While lying on the ground perpendicular to a bench, put your legs on top of the bench so your whole calf is on and your knees are at a 90-degree angle. This will ensure you're close enough. Adjust your feet so your arches are pressed against the bench, scrunching your torso up a bit. Push against the bench, lifting your trunk and hips into the air. Stop when there is a straight line from your kneecaps to your sternum. Hold this position, and return down slowly. Repeat 12 to 15 times. To make this exercise more difficult, you can either hold a weight on your stomach or perform the same steps with only one leg. Or use a stability ball as opposed to a bench to support your feet. This will engage your core muscles as well.

    Good Mornings

    Standing straight, hold a weighted bar on top of your shoulders. Keep your weight in your heels, your chin up and your chest out. Keeping your legs straight and your back flat, bend at your waist until your hamstrings are fully engaged. Hold this position, return to the standing position, pause, repeat. Use low weight initially to practice the form and then increase slowly.

    Dead Lifts

    Approach a loaded barbell with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width. Take hold of the barbell just outside your legs. Making sure your weight remains in your heels, push off as if you're pushing the ground away from you. It is very important to engage your core muscles and lower back to keep your back straight. Do not round your back. Stand straight, lock out hips and return down, taking twice as much time as you spent standing up. Depending on the weight, repeat this process 8 to 12 times. To work on stability and balance along with your isolated hamstring, perform this exercise using dumbbells, and eventually, with only one leg.

    As a Secondary Muscle

    Other exercises incorporate the hamstrings as secondary or stabilizing muscles such as squats, lunges and jumps.




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