• Muscle needs oxygen to grow and repair itself. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that is available to muscle during exercise, replacing it with carbon monoxide and inhibiting rebuilding of tissue.

    Cell Damage

    For men, muscle growth is governed by testosterone levels. Cells in the testes are damaged by smoking, thus hindering the production of testosterone and affecting the body's ability to build muscle.

    Muscle Recovery

    Muscle recovery is slower in smokers. This is due to slower glycogen replenishment rates, as smoking affects the insulin/glucose metabolism in muscle.

    Lung Function

    Lung function is slowed down not only due to decreased lung growth, but the increased production of phlegm in the airway due to chronic swelling of the mucus membranes. This reduces correct breathing which results in less oxygen being absorbed into the bloodstream.


    Smoking damages the respiratory system, affecting your fitness level. Quality of training and performance decrease as well due to increased airway resistance. Muscle growth is affected by the destruction of muscle cells caused by smoking, leading to weaker muscles.


    Nicotine is a stimulant and decreases your appetite, denying your body of much needed calories for building muscle.



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