• High-density lipoproteins are your heart's allies. Called the "good" cholesterol, HDL scours excess cholesterol from your blood vessels and carries it to the liver. Too much cholesterol causes coronary heart disease. Healthy HDL levels are considered between 40 and 60 mg/dL, but the Mayo Clinic says the higher, the better. Some things that lower HDL are genetic, but there are many things you can do to lower HDLs.

    Genetic Causes

    Being born female will lower your HDL level, after menopause. While HDL will be high from puberty to menopause, HDLs go down with estrogen production. Carrying excess weight around your abdomen will also decrease HDL. The INTERHEART study of 27,098 participants in 52 countries found waist-to-hip ratio (WTHR) is a better indicator in predicting a coronary than the body mass index. This standardized case-control study of acute myocardial infarction was reported in the November 5, 2005, issue of Lancet. To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio, divide your waist size by your hip measurement. For females, the ratio should be 0.8 or less; for males, 1.0 or lower. Where you carry your fat is a genetic trait, but everyone who packs on extra pounds decreases their high-density lipoproteins and increases their risk of a heart attack. If you are overweight, losing pounds will increase your HDL levels.


    If you smoke, you will lower your HDL level. Smoking even changes the chemical composition of the HDL in your blood. Quitting can increase your HDL by 10 percent. Take advantage of the many aids and programs designed for smokers to help you quit your habit. Trans fatty acids reduce HDL levels. You need fats in your diet, but avoid those listed on food labels as "partially hydrogenated vegetable oils," which are found in many prepared foods. To increase your HDL, eat fats from olive, canola and avocado oils, more fresh foods and check labels to eliminate trans fats.


    Another way to lower your HDL is to be sedentary. Aerobic exercise as easy as walking will increase HDL levels. A regular routine of biking, swimming or house or yard work that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes a day, for five or more days a week, is considered the most effective way to increase HDL. Keep your HDL level low by abstaining from alcohol. One drink of alcohol for women and two for men increases HDL levels, says the Mayo Clinic. Poor diets also lower HDLs. Foods that cause HDLs to increase are peanut butter and soluble fibers like whole grain oats, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Including fish, cranberry juice and calcium in your diet will boost your HDLs, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    Mayo Clinic: HDL Cholesterol.

    Mayo Clinic: Red wine and resveratrol: Good for your heart

    The Lancet.

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