• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Owner's manual

    According to the Acura owner's manual, all Acuras are designed to operate on 91 octane premium unleaded gasoline. This is to ensure peak performance from the engine. They state that you can use regular if you are stranded, but not all the time.

    On the Other: Not harmful to the engine

    Using regular gas in your Acura 2000 will not the harm the engine. The engines are so highly evolved that no damage can be caused by regular unleaded. However, the engine's performance may not be as high as if you were using premium gas. Some studies say power declines about five percent.

    Bottom Line

    According to an article in USA Today, premium-grade gas is advantageous for automakers because it lets them advertise more horsepower in the car and show higher engine efficiency. Acura has always tried to maintain their car's dependence on the higher fuel grades, so while regular gas will not harm your Acura 2000, you may not get the engine performance that you expected when you purchased the vehicle.


    About Regular gas

    USA Today: Why use premium gas?

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