• Firewalls and antivirus software are both necessary for the protection of your computer. Each of these types of protection serves a different purpose. Learn the facts about firewalls and antivirus software to know the difference.

    Firewall Definition

    A firewall is a part of a computer system that blocks unauthorized access to a network or single computer. A firewall can either be a software program or physical hardware. Sometimes it is a combination of both.

    Basic Functions of a Firewall

    The basic task of a firewall is to control the flow of information and access within a computer network. This can be a local network, or a larger network like the Internet.

    Antivirus Definition

    Antivirus software is used to monitor computer systems for malicious programs such as viruses, trojans, and worms. It is designed to prevent these malicious programs from reaching the computer system. If a virus is detected, then the antivirus software will remove the malicious software.

    Basic Functions of Antivirus Software

    The basic task of antivirus software is to scan a computer system for threats. Antivirus software runs scheduled scans of the entire system, typically once per week. When malicious software is detected, the antivirus software will either automatically remove it or alert the computer operator.

    Similarities Between Firewalls and Antivirus Software

    Firewalls and antivirus software both monitor information that enters a computer system. Firewalls typically look at where the information is coming from, and the antivirus software focuses on what the information is. Both types of protection are necessary to maintain a secure computer system.

    Source: Home Computer Security

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