• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Cetaphil Is Meant to Be Gentle

    Cetaphil Gentle Skin cleanser is loved by beauty editors and consumers everywhere and has earned the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. It is also the number one recommended cleanser by dermatologists. The reason for all the accolades is its ability to gently and effectively cleanse while protecting the skin's natural moisture. For women with dry, normal or mature skin, this is all your face needs to stay clean and refreshed. Toners tend to be astringent, which takes natural oils off the face and defeat the use of a gentle cleanser.

    On the Other: Women Like Squeaky Clean

    Many women with oily skin or who wear heavy makeup, as well as those that prefer a "squeaky clean" feeling, like the tingly, "deep down clean" that comes with using a stronger cleanser. A toner used after Cetaphil will give you that feeling.

    Bottom Line

    Most skin care experts say that a toner is unnecessary for nearly all women. Even women with very oily skin should use it no more than once a day. Pick a pH balanced toner that does not contain alcohol if you choose to use one, so you do not dry out your skin. Try one with a witch hazel base to get that "tingly" feeling without the drying effect of alcohol.

    Source: Best Inexpensive Facial Cleanser

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