• A 3G cellular network is very common on most cellular devices today. When enabled, it allows for faster data transfer rates than its predecessors and allows users to use mobile devices in ways never thought imaginable.


    3G stands for 3rd generation and refers to the third generation of wireless communications. It was preceded by EDGE, GPRS and GSM and was available commercially as early as 2001.


    Compared with earlier wireless technology, 3G allows for faster data transfer on mobile networks. As a result, it is able to run media-heavy applications over its networks.


    In addition to opening up a new range of media-heavy applications to run on cellular devices, 3G allows users to use both data and voice services simultaneously on a mobile device. This was not possible with previous-generation phones, largely because of the data transfer rate needed to accomplish this.


    With the ability to run media-heavy applications and use voice and data services simultaneously, 3G has grown a reputation for being the cause of poor battery life and performance on a wide number of cellular devices.


    3G will give way to 4G or the 4th generation of cellular technology in the near future, allowing for even faster data transfer rates and thus greater advancement in the world of cellular devices.


    More About 3G

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