• Birth control is a wonderful medication that has many benefits. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, helps regulate periods and can help with diseases such as endometriosis. However, like any medication, birth control can have negative effects.


    Birth control can cause nausea, but it is usually restricted to the first few days of a pack as you start a new cycle of hormones. To avoid nausea, take your pills at night.

    Irregular Bleeding

    As your body adjusts to the hormones in birth control, you may experience irregular periods and spotting between periods. This generally resolves itself after three to four months.

    Mood Changes

    Because birth controls pills controls contain hormones, they can cause mood swings similar to the mood swings you may experience during your period.

    Severe Headaches

    Pay attention to when you are experiencing the headaches. Your doctor may want to give you an estrogen pill if you are experiencing them during the sugar pills when the hormone dose is done or he may want to change the brand of birth control.

    Weight Gain

    Unfortunately, because of the change of hormone levels in your system, you may gain weight. However, if you maintain a healthy diet, you should be able to curb the number of pounds gained.


    Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

    Feminist Women's Health Center: Birth Control Pill

    Kids Health: Birth Control Pill

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