• Stress is an unfortunate part of normal life. Pressures from work, raising kids or other daily tasks affect you mentally, physically and emotionally. Depression isn't a part of a normal life, but a chronic disorder.


    According to the Mayo Clinic, stress is a normal mental and physical reaction to pressures in your life.


    Depression is a medical disorder that affects your mind and body. Depression disrupts your daily activities and interactions with your family and friends. Depression also can bring thoughts of suicide.

    Stress Symptoms

    If you're suffering from excess stress, you might experience headaches, anxiety and gastrointestinal disturbances, according to MedicineNet.

    Depression Symptoms

    With depression, you might feel extremely weak, sad or hopeless. You might cry for no apparent reason and experience painful symptoms that your doctor can't diagnose. You also might have difficulty sleeping, concentrating or making decisions.


    Treatment for depression includes medications like anti-depressants, talk therapy and electroconvulsive therapy, all of which are aimed at putting your depression into remission. Stress management includes meditation, yoga and simplifying your life.


    Mayo Clinic: Depression (Major Depression)

    MedicineNet: Stress

    Mayo Clinic: Stress Management

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