• The connection between food and depression varies according to who you ask. Studies are not conclusive because researchers behind a study stand to gain from a certain outcome. Further, the connection can often be contradictory, with studies offering a different opinion on the same information.

    Stimulants As Mood Changers

    Caffeine is a stimulant that has been known to cause mood swings. People coming down off the highs of it, usually found in coffee, tend to get depressed. Those withdrawing from caffeine altogether have been known to experience symptoms of withdrawal.

    Refined Foods

    In the last 40 years the FDA has approved products to go into food that were tested alone, but there has never been a test to show what effects combining all the processed foods and stimulants has on the body.

    Wound Eating

    Many people, including Oprah, admit to eating to stuff down emotions, to comfort themselves or because they are depressed.

    Food Allergies and Depression

    According to basic science studies, many people are allergic to the red dye found in many foods, and the depression and mood swings may just be a symptom of the allergy.

    Depression Healing Foods

    Some people believe there are foods that cure depression. There has been no scientific proof to substantiate the claims.



    Johns Hopkins Medicine

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