• Using HTML to create an email is a perfect way to produce polished, professional communication. Whether you are marketing a product or service or sending some other type of email that requires more than just straight text, using HTML is a great method to bring importance to your message.

    Operating System

    Do you use a Mac or a PC? The answer to that question will change some of the detailed steps that you will need to take to create an HTML email, but the general tasks remain the same: compose the HTML and then format your email to send it. So decide which operating system you are going to use and then go to the applicable steps.

    PC/MS Outlook

    If you are using a PC, you could be using many different applications for your email. For the purposes of this article, we will assume that you are using MS Outlook as your email application. The first thing that you need to do is set up the email format options in Outlook. From the "Tools" menu, click on "Options," then the "Mail Format" tab. Choose "HTML" from the "Compose in this message format" drop-down selection and check the box next to "Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit email messages." Open a new email. Make sure you change the setting to view the email in Web Layout: from the "View" menu, click "Web Layout." You can now use Word to create your document. This will be a Word document that is saved and sent as an HTML document. Use tables to control the layout of the images and text. Depending on your familiarity with Word, you should be able to create whatever look you want. Alternatively, there are free templates that you can download from the Microsoft Office site to fit your needs. Once you have what you want in the Word email editor, you are ready to send it. You should send it to yourself first to make sure everything looks the way you want it to prior to sending it to your intended recipient(s).

    Mac/Apple Mail

    Use any HTML editor to create your email page. Open the page in Safari (Apple's browser) and choose "File" > "Mail Contents of This Page." Your page will open in a new Apple Mail email ready to be sent. As mentioned in the PC instructions, send it to yourself first to make sure everything looks right before you send it to your intended recipient(s).


    Formatting Professional Email Messages

    How To Create HTML Emails Using Apple Mail

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